Violence Education Tools Online (VetoViolence)

Are you a violence prevention practitioner who is busy, short on time, doing more with less, and looking for ways to maximize your resources?

If yes, the VetoViolence Website is for you!

Since its debut in 2009, the VetoViolence website has been and continues to be an ever-expanding site that provides free, interactive, and engaging violence prevention tools and trainings. Each resource is based on the best available evidence and research to help you stop violence before it happens in your community.

Visit VetoViolence today to find the following tools, trainings, and resources:

This infographic uses data from the CDC Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study to show how ACEs can affect people’s lives and society. Learn more today.

This game-like experience demonstrates that many issues are related to violence in our communities. Put your violence prevention knowledge to the test today!

This training explores how different types of violence can take place in the same house, in the same neighborhood, at the same time, or at different stages of life. By the end of the training, you will understand the overlapping causes of different types of violence and what can protect against violence. Take the training today.

This is an online system that will help you assess and monitor your capacity for implementing a comprehensive teen dating violence initiative. The tool will help you gather information, generate reports, and work with partners to determine capacity priorities and to develop action plans. Start your assessment today.

This interactive resource provides guidance in the evaluation of teen dating violence-related policies. Check out this resource today.

This online accredited course uses expert interviews, interactions, storytelling, and educator insights to make teen dating violence prevention relevant for educators, youth leaders, and everyone working with teens. Learn more.

The Toolkit gives strategies for individuals, peers, families, schools, and neighborhoods to help prevent teen dating violence. Get everything you need to carry out Dating Matters® in your community.

This tool is designed to explain program evaluation and how you can apply it to your work, as well as help you plan and track your progress. Start your plan today.

This tool will help you examine different resources needed for success, including leadership, staffing, skills, and partnerships. Assess your organization’s ability to prevent violence using a public health approach today.

This tool will help you communicate the importance of creating strategic partnerships with your business community to assure safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments in the home, community, and workplace. Learn more.

This accredited, online training can help you understand, recognize, and prevent them from occurring in the first place. In addition to the introductory training, there are also modules for specific professions. Take the trainings today!

This is a free online training in which you will learn how to apply the key concepts of primary prevention, the public health approach, and the social-ecological model to your violence prevention work. Take the training today.

Discover approaches to stop violence before it starts and how to select, adapt, and evaluate them in the context of your local reality. Learn more.

This tool will help you explore indicators that assist in evaluating and tracking your progress to reduce sexual violence. Indicators help you plan and monitor prevention efforts to stop sexual violence before it starts. Learn more.

Social norms can affect nearly any aspect of our lives. They contribute to our clothing choices, how we speak, our music preferences, and our beliefs about certain social issues. They can also affect our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to violence. Learn more.

This is a space with everything you need to create, edit, and save a customized youth violence prevention plan. Find support for everything from building your team, establishing goals, selecting evidence-based strategies, and measuring your progress. Start your youth violence prevention plan today.

This is where you can learn the value of making evidence-informed decisions around violence prevention. You will discover the three types of evidence involved in decision-making, look at different data collection methodologies, and identify standards of practice in research evidence and factors that can influence decisions. Start using evidence to inform your practice activities today.

Walk through planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies in CDC’s violence prevention technical packages by checking out this valuable resource today.

Page last reviewed: November 5, 2020