Strategic Priority: Collaboration

Develop and implement wide-reaching partnership and communication strategies to raise awareness and advance suicide prevention activities

Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan

While each of the data, science, and action strategic priorities relies on partnerships and communication to advance and promote the work, a specific priority focused solely on the broader use of these domains is necessary. This priority will advance CDC’s and public health’s visibility and leadership in suicide prevention; communicate program outcomes; and through collaboration and coordination with governmental and non-governmental partners, raise awareness with the public, decision-makers, and other stakeholders about the importance of a coordinated and comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention. These efforts will build upon the long-standing partnerships and strong leadership on suicide prevention among federal and non-federal stakeholders (such as the Action Alliance, SPRC, and AFSP). This in turn, may enhance the response to suicide and help states, localities, and tribes achieve their suicide prevention goals.

GOAL 7: Work with partners to advance a coordinated and comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention

OBJECTIVE 7.1: Develop and implement a partnership strategy to advance CDC strategic priorities and the public health approach and to support state and local health departments in suicide prevention

OBJECTIVE 7.2: Foster and grow strategic partnerships in both the public and private sectors

OBJECTIVE 7.3: Support program participants in developing partnership strategies

GOAL 8: Raise awareness of CDC’s coordinated and comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention

OBJECTIVE 8.1: Develop and implement a communication strategy to advance CDC’s suicide prevention mission and the role of public health in suicide prevention

OBJECTIVE 8.2: Communicate CDC’s suicide prevention priorities, data and research, promising and best practices, and program successes with stakeholders

OBJECTIVE 8.3: Support funded jurisdictions in developing and implementing communication plans based on theory, research, and best practices

Page last reviewed: August 28, 2020