Youth Violence

Youth violence is a significant public health problem that affects thousands of young people each day, and in turn, their families, schools, and communities.

Youth violence is an adverse childhood experience and is connected to other forms of violence, including child abuse and neglect, teen dating violence, adult intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and suicide.

The good news is youth violence is preventable. The ultimate goal is to stop youth violence before it starts.

Technical Package
technical package youth violence cover

A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behavior pdf icon[4.09 MB, 64 Pages, 508]
This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent youth violence and its consequences. Also available in Spanish pdf icon[3.89 MB, 68 Pages, 508]

Page last reviewed: March 2, 2020