DELTA Impact Recipients

CDC funds 10 State Domestic Violence Coalitions as part of the Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Impact program. These coalitions include:

  • Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
  • California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
  • Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence
  • North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Ohio Domestic Violence Network
  • Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

The ten recipients will each implement and evaluate three to four programs or policy efforts that fall under three strategies and seven associated approaches.

Engaging Influential Adults and Peers

Engage Influential Adults and Peers

  • Men and boys as allies in prevention
  • Bystander empowerment and education
Creating Protective Environments

Create Protective Environments

  • Improve school climate and safety
  • Improve organizational policies and workplace climate
  • Modify the physical and social environments of neighborhoods
Strengthening Economic Supports for Families

Strengthen Economic Supports for Families

  • Strengthen household financial security
  • Strengthen work-family supports

For more information about the strategies or approaches listed above, review CDC’s, Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practicespdf icon[4.52MB, 64Pages, 508]

In 2002, CDC developed the Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Program to focus on primary prevention of intimate partner violence. DELTA funded State Domestic Violence Coalitions from 2002-2013 to engage in statewide primary prevention efforts and to provide training, technical assistance, and financial support to local communities for primary prevention. DELTA built capacity for intimate partner violence primary prevention in 14 funded state domestic violence coalitions and their local community partners.

During the latter years of DELTA, 2008-2011, another project was implemented: DELTA PREP. DELTA PREP (Preparing and Raising Expectations for Prevention) was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in collaboration with the CDC and the CDC Foundation. DELTA PREP provided an additional 19 State Domestic Violence Coalitions with training, technical assistance and support to incorporate primary prevention into their organizational, local, and state intimate partner violence efforts.

DELTA FOCUS (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances, Focusing on Outcomes for Communities United with States) funded 10 state domestic violence coalition grantees from 2013-2018 to engage in primary prevention of intimate partner violence.  DELTA FOCUS supported the intensive implementation and evaluation of intimate partner violence primary prevention strategies that address the social and structural determinants of healthexternal icon at the community and societal levels of the social-ecological model  (SEM).

Please visit these web pages for more information on DELTA, DELTA PREP, and DELTA FOCUS.

CDC is working with national partners to foster leadership and support for primary prevention throughout the field. This includes all state, territorial, and tribal domestic violence coalitions, local programs, national organizations, and allied partners interested in advancing intimate partner violence prevention. CDC will assist DELTA Impact grantees in participating in and contributing to the national dialogue around strategies for preventing intimate partner violence. Current national partners include:

See Intimate Partner Violence Resources for articles, publications, data sources, and prevention resources for intimate partner violence.

Page last reviewed: September 16, 2019