Youth Violence Resources

Fact Sheet:

CDC Reports:

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWRs):

CDC Data Sources:

Other Federal Data Sources:

CDC Resources:

Other Federal Resources:

  • CrimeSolutions.govexternal icon
    The U.S. Department of Justice developed this resource to provide practitioners and policy makers with information about effective strategies in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and victim services.
  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)external icon
    This website offers information on criminal and juvenile justice, supported by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and the Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center.
  • National Gang Center (NGC)external icon
    NGC disseminates information, knowledge, and practices that engage and empower communities with chronic and emerging gang problems to prevent gang violence, reduce gang involvement, and suppress gang-related crime.
  • National Institute of Justiceexternal icon.
    NIJ is the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. NIJ provides information and tools to inform the decision-making of the criminal and juvenile justice communities to reduce crime and advance justice.

Additional Resources:

Bullying Research
CDC’s web page that provides information about bullying.


Fact Sheet:

CDC Reports:

Additional Resources:

School Violence
CDC’s web page that provides information about School Violence.

CDC Reports:

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWRs):

Additional Resources:

  • Guide to Community Preventive Servicesexternal icon
    This is a resource for systematic reviews and recommendations about what works to stop school and youth violence.
  • Health Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
    The HECAT contains guidance, appraisal tools, and resources to help schools conduct an analysis of health education curricula based on the National Health Education Standards and CDC’s Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum.
  • School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors among Youth
    When students feel connected to school, they are less likely to engage in a variety of risk behaviors, including violence and gang involvement, and they have higher grades and test scores and better school attendance. This resource provides school administrators and teachers with strategies to enhance school connectedness among students.
  • School Health Index
    This assessment and planning tool can be used by schools to develop an action plan to improve health and safety. The tool covers five topics: unintentional injuries and violence prevention, physical education and activity, healthy eating, tobacco use prevention, and asthma.

School Associated Violent Deaths (SAVD)

CDC’s web page that provides information about the School Associated Violent Death Study.

Data Sources:

  • School Associated Violent Death Study (SAVD)
    This data system, developed in partnership with the Departments of Education and Justice, monitors at the national level school-associated violent deaths, common features of these events, and potential risk factor for perpetration and victimization.
National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention (YVPCs)
CDC’s web page that provides information about the National Centers for Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention.


Additional Resources:

Page last reviewed: March 2, 2020