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Western District of Michigan

Western District of Michigan

Picture of Sunset over Eagle Lake Paw Paw, Michigan



Mission Statement


We, the staff of the United States Attorney's Office, are accountable to the citizens of the Western District of Michigan for pursuing justice, ensuring public safety, enforcing the law, protecting the interests of the United States, and exercising stewardship over the government's resources.

To accomplish our mission, we will discharge our duties with professionalism, diligence, and integrity. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence and to the highest standards of ethical conduct in an environment of mutual respect.

Limited English Proficiency Statement:

The United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan, in compliance with Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency has free language translation services available for public use when conducting business with our office by phone or in person.

We do not provide legal assistance to the general public and are not an investigative office. Information regarding criminal activity needs to be referred to an investigative law enforcement agency. Please contact your local police department to report a crime.

Declaración sobre Conocimiento Limitado del Idioma Inglés:

La Fiscalía Federal del Distrito Oeste de Michigan, en cumplimiento con el Decreto Presidencial 13166, Mejorando el Acceso a Servicios para Personas con Conocimiento Limitado del Idioma Inglés, tiene servicios de traducción disponibles para el público, libre de costo, mientras conduce negocios con nuestra oficina por teléfono o en persona.

Nuestra oficina no proporciona ayuda legal al público en general y no somos una agencia investigadora. Información sobre actividad criminal tiene que remitirse a una agencia de orden público investigativa. Para reportar un delito, por favor, comuníquese con el departamento de policía más cercano.