Electronic Tools & Resources


Podcasts are audio or video files that are made available on the Internet for download and playback using a computer or a mobile device such as an Ipod. Podcast help.

  • TB Testing for People Living with HIV
    Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, explains why it is important for people living with HIV to be tested for TB.
  • New Treatment Regimen for Latent Tuberculosis Infection
    In this podcast, Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination at CDC, discusses the December 9, 2011 CDC guidelines for the use of a new regimen for the treatment of persons with latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Basic Tuberculosis Facts
    In this podcast, Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination at CDC, discusses basic TB prevention, testing, and treatment information. Spanish Version
  • World TB Day
    In this podcast, Dr. Sundari Mase, Medical Team Lead in the Field Services and Evaluation Branch in the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, discusses World TB Day and the 2014 theme. Spanish Version
  • Bridging Implementation, Knowledge, and Ambition Gaps to Eliminate Tuberculosis
    Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, CDC, discusses bridging implementation, knowledge, and ambition gaps to eliminate tuberculosis.
  • Tuberculosis Outbreak Investigations in the U.S.
    Dr. Kiren Mitruka, medical officer with the Tuberculosis Outbreak Investigations team, CDC, discusses tuberculosis outbreak investigations in the U.S. from 2002–2008.
  • Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test
    Learn how to evaluate people for latent TB infection with the Mantoux tuberculin skin test. This podcast includes sections on administering and reading the Mantoux tuberculin skin test, the standard method for detecting latent TB infection since the 1930s.
  • Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
    In this podcast, Dr. Oeltmann discusses multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. An outbreak occurred in Thailand, which led to 45 cases in the U.S. This serious illness can take up to 2 years to treat. MDR TB is a real threat and a serious condition.
  • Emergence of Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
    Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) outbreaks have been reported in South Africa, and strains have been identified on 6 continents. Dr. Peter Cegielski, team leader for drug-resistant TB with the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination at CDC, comments on a multinational team’s report on this emerging global public health threat.


  • Understanding the TB Cohort Review Process: DVD
    This 22-minute DVD brings the cohort review process to life, illustrates the benefits of adopting cohort review, and highlights the roles of the cohort review team members.
    Ordering information

Web Buttons

Web buttons are graphic elements used to share messages by linking to a website for additional information. Promote TB and add a TB button to your Web site.

Electronic Mailing Lists (eLists)

An electronic mailing list automatically distributes e-mail messages to all those who have subscribed to the list.

Content Syndication

TB Web pages available for content syndication.


Infographics (Information Graphics) are visual representations of data, information or knowledge that tell a story through visual communication.

Page last reviewed: May 4, 2016