
Social Media Graphics

Share “12-dose Regimen for Latent TB Infection” messages on your website, social media account, or other TB education materials with these graphics. To download, right click on the image and “save image as.”

Social Media Graphics

Share “Take on TB” messages on your website, social media account, or other TB education materials with these graphics. To download, right click on the image and “save image as.” These graphics are also available in Spanish (Español).

Click on images to enlarge

Social Media Graphics

Share “TB Disease: Only the Tip of the Iceberg” messages on your website, social media account, or other TB education materials with these graphics. To download, right click on the image and “save image as.”

Click on images to enlarge

Web buttons are graphic elements used to share messages by linking to a website for additional information. To download, right click on the image and ‘save image as’, then copy the HTML code on to your Web page. The button will link to the CDC Tuberculosis website.

Note: If you have previously embedded any of the code below and you are now getting errors, please refresh using the updated code provided below.

Page last reviewed: April 14, 2015