World TB Day 2020

It’s TIME!

Each year, we recognize World TB Day on March 24. This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB).

World TB Day is a day to educate the public about the impact of TB around the world.  CDC, along with our partners and colleagues around the world share successes in TB prevention and control and raise awareness of the challenges that hinder our progress toward the elimination of this devastating disease.

The theme of World TB Day 2020 is “It’s TIME” CDC and its domestic and international partners, including the National TB Controllers Association, Stop TB USA, and the global Stop TB Partnership are working together to eliminate this deadly disease. But we need your help.

TB DAY Graphics

It’s time to test and treat latent TB infection.

Up to 13 million people in the United States have latent TB infection, and without treatment, they are at risk for developing TB disease in the future. We must continue to find and treat cases of active TB disease and also test and treat latent TB infection to prevent progression to disease

It’s time we strengthen TB education and awareness among health care providers.

Treatment of latent TB infection is essential to controlling and eliminating TB in the United States. Our public health system and private providers play a crucial role in this effort.

It’s time to speak up.

CDC’s TB Personal Stories series highlights the experiences of people diagnosed with latent TB infection and TB disease. CDC is committed to raising awareness and increasing efforts to test and treat persons with latent TB infection to prevent TB disease.

It’s time to end stigma.

Stigma associated with TB disease may also place certain populations at higher risk. Stigma may keep people from seeking medical care or follow-up care for TB. But anyone can get TB. People with TB can be found in every state; where we work, where we live, where we learn, and where we spend time with family and friends.


Be sure to check back for more information and resources, as we get closer to World TB Day.  You can also follow us on Twitter @CDC_TB and Facebook @CDCTB and sign up for email updates here.

World TB Day Resources
Get Involved in the Fight to End TB

Download and share World TB Day graphics, messages, social media tools, and more.

U.S. TB Champions
U.S. TB Champions

Learn how you and your organization can participate in CDC’s TB Elimination Champions.

World TB Day Activities

Tell us about your community’s World TB Day activities, and see how others are observing.

Page last reviewed: December 16, 2019