Publications and Products

Are publications available in hardcopy, as PDFs, or available to read on-line?
Many resources are available to read on-line or view/download in PDF format. We no longer have hardcopy materials available; however, the Assisted Reproductive Technology Report is available for ordering until quantities last. You will find most CDC Division of Reproductive Health (DRH) publications are available within their respective topic areas.

How can I find more information on CDC’s published research?
We recommend that you review abstracts of reports and other publications by using the resources of the National Library of Medicine’s PubMedExternal service. PubMed is a searchable database that provides abstracts of biomedical articles and reports. You may also be able to obtain full text articles (some services may require subscriptions to view full text articles). If you are seeking less technical information, please use the National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlusExternal, which offers a wide range of information on diseases, disorders, treatments, drugs and preventive services.


International Reproductive Health Reports, and Tools
CDC assists countries throughout the world with evaluating the results of reproductive health programs, and with developing or improving systems to collect, analyze, and interpret data to assess and monitor reproductive health indicators.

Advancing Men’s Reproductive Health in the United States: Current Status and Future Directions Cdc-pdf[PDF-2.3MB]
This report contains a summary of presentations and discussions from the meeting “Advancing Men’s Reproductive Health in the United States: Current Status and Future Directions.” Scientists, program managers, and clinicians came together for a full day to learn about emerging areas of public health activities related to male reproductive health. Topics covered include CDC’s past and current male reproductive health activities, overviews of male contraception and infertility, mental health issues in male reproductive health, and the importance of men’s reproductive health on women’s health and fertility.


Training Material

Reproductive Health Epidemiology Modules
These 4 modules are designed for public health professionals who want to learn more about reproductive health surveillance, and apply epidemiologic methods to the areas of maternal health and reproductive tract infections. A module on questionnaire design is for those who are interested in evaluating or designing questionnaires for use in epidemiologic studies and surveillance.

Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation (SUIDI) Training Material
This curriculum guide was created to improve teaching and evaluation techniques in the death investigator education and training programs. It provides instructional outlines and references to assist the instructor in the educational program. The guide is intended to be used to provide relevant training or retraining for employment in the rapidly expanding field of medicolegal death investigation.


A Message to Health Care Professionals: Teen Pregnancy
The video features teens who speak out about how decreasing unintended pregnancy rates in the United States are still too high as every day over a thousand babies are born to teen mothers. Teens urge health care professionals across the nation to talk to their teen patients about pregnancy and contraception to help improve the lives of all young people.

CDC Expert Commentary Teen Pregnancy and Reproductive HealthExternal
Most teen pregnancies are unintended—the result of not using a contraceptive or not using one correctly and consistently.

U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use (USMEC)
CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health Division Director, Dr. Wanda Barfield discusses the USMEC in this CDC Expert Video Commentary Series on Medscape. CDC has recently developed the USMEC, which provide evidence-based recommendations for the safety of contraceptive use among women with medical conditions and other characteristics. These recommendations are intended to assist healthcare providers when they counsel women, men, and couples about contraceptive method choice.

Other CDC Publications and Products