Ensuring access to family planning services during COVID-19

A summary of CDC’s family planning recommendations for healthcare providers

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During COVID-19, it is critical that access to family planning services remains available while keeping healthcare providers and their patients safe. The US Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use (US MEC), US Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use (US SPR), and Providing Quality Family Planning Services (QFP)* provide relevant recommendations for providing quality family planning services while helping to facilitate access and minimizing in-person contact between patients and providers.

Continue to assess needs for family planning services. The QFP provides guidance on assessing a patient’s need for services related to preventing or achieving pregnancy and highlights the special needs of adolescent patients. Increased outreach may be needed to let patient populations know about current services, such as featuring access to family planning services on a health system’s or clinic’s website, or sending messages to patients about services offered, including family planning services. Providers may want to consider alternative models for providing services or access to contraception for their patients, such as:

For new contraceptive users or those wishing to switch to a new method:

For current contraceptive users who want to initiate a new method or continue with their current method, little or no ongoing follow up is needed:

Other considerations:

* Providing Quality Family Planning Services (QFP) provides recommendations developed collaboratively by CDC and the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).