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December 21, 2020
Nuclear Suppliers Group logo
NNSA launches new web platform to support the nonproliferation work of the Nuclear Suppliers Group
NNSA aims to help the 48 governments of the Nuclear Suppliers Group with secure intranet and document repository for its nonprolfieration work.
December 17, 2020
NNSA achieved Technical Qualification Program Accreditation in 2020. From left, NNSA's James McConnell; Matthew Moury, DOE Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security; and Jeffry Roberson, Senior Technical Adviser.
Passing on the lessons of experience to the next generation of NNSA leaders
In September 2020, after three years of persistence, NNSA was awarded TQP Accreditation by Deputy Secretary of Energy Mark Menezes.
December 11, 2020
The KCNSC appreciation boxes contain a “mission critical” T-shirt, local farm-fresh jam and biscuits, hand sanitizer, a touchless safety tool, and a personal message from the site’s leadership.
KCNSC delivers employee appreciation boxes during pandemic
Throughout November and December, “appreciation boxes” will arrive on KCNSC employees’ doorsteps.
December 9, 2020
Experts in protective gear prepare to sweep the University of Washington's Research and Training Building for cesium contamination.
As cleanup of contaminated Seattle building nears completion, two remediation managers discuss lessons learned
Neither of them knew that the incident at the would dominate their professional lives for 18 months… and counting.
December 3, 2020
NNSA’s top-ranking supercomputing system, Sierra, is the third-fastest supercomputer in the world.
NNSA supercomputers recognized worldwide for speed and performance
All three of NNSA's National Laboratories were honored on the latest Top500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers.
December 2, 2020
Mercury Modernization Building 1 at NNSA’s Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) is the first building complete of the site’s Mercury Modernization program and serves as a pilot infrastructure initiative of standardization and efficiency.
NNSA hosts virtual construction Industry Day in Kansas City
The goal: Develop solutions to construction and contract challenges to boost supplier participation in future DOE and NNSA infrastructure projects.
November 30, 2020
Electrorefining technology uses electro chemical processes to produce needle-like uranium crystals.
Y-12 achieves technology milestone in purifying uranium
The site's materials scientists and engineers recently produced the first production-quality uranium metal “button” using an electrorefining system.
November 25, 2020
NNSA employees Loren Torres and Cheri Ashe got the full moulage treatment from members of Kirtland Air Force Base's exercise team. The employees were just two of the “victims” in the active shooter exercise.
Simulated ‘Active Shooter’ storms NNSA Albuquerque Complex during annual Global Thunder Exercise
NNSA's Albuquerque Complex, located on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico, hosted of a simulated “active shooter” exercise.
November 24, 2020
Dr. Park during his keynote remarks.
NNSA nonproliferation chief discusses safeguards and security in advanced nuclear technologies
Dr. Brent Park spoke at an October 29 virtual event on strengthening global safeguards and security in an advanced nuclear age.
November 23, 2020
Susan Head, left, formerly of the Office of Personnel and Facility Clearances and Classification, was named Manager of the Year. Edward L. Ordonez of the Sandia Field Office received the Security Professional of the Year award.
NNSA security staff and programs win DOE security awards
A system created by NNSA and two staff members received DOE's top security awards.
November 20, 2020
Dr. Brent Park, NNSA’s Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, signed the joint statement on behalf of the United States.
United States and Ukraine reaffirm commitment to fight nuclear smuggling
Representatives of NNSA and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine signed a joint statement reiterating their work to fight nuclear smuggling
November 17, 2020
NNSA's Cheran Shields
NNSA Hidden Talents: Cheran Shields
Cheran Shields' off-the-job talent has helped him go the distance at NNSA.
November 16, 2020
Rey Suarez, left, and Jim Hayes of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory work on the Xenon International prototype.
New nuclear explosion monitoring capability achieves significant milestone
An NNSA-led team of experts is preparing to launch the next generation of equipment to detect underground nuclear explosions.
November 9, 2020
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator, recently thanked the individuals at Pantex who saved the lives of three strangers during two separate incidents.
Pantexans save the lives of three strangers
in June and July 2020, Pantex employees saved the lives of three strangers during two separate incidents.
November 6, 2020
Sandia National Laboratories researcher Hongyou Fan holds a container enclosing gold supercrystals in front of a small-angle X-ray scattering instrument. Binary Solvent Diffusion for Fabrication of Large Nanoparticle Supercrystals won an R&D Award.
NNSA sites receive 13 R&D 100 Awards
R&D Magazine has named 13 NNSA projects as winners in the annual R&D 100 Awards.
November 5, 2020
DOE Security Professional of the Year – Edward L. Ordonez, NNSA Sandia Field Office.
Sandia Field Office Federal Security Specialist receives ‘Professional of the Year’ award
Edward Ordonez was recently named the Department of Energy’s 2019 Outstanding Security Professional of the Year.
November 4, 2020
Exascale Computing Project
DOE and NNSA celebrate Exascale Day
DOE and NNSA celebrate Exascale Day and Exascale Awareness Week.
October 29, 2020
NNSA offers a number of safety tips during Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
NNSA encourages everyone to stay safe online
NNSA is committed to doing its part to ensure a safer and more secure internet.
October 27, 2020
The RAINS website logo
New NNSA website to help international partners with nuclear safeguards reporting
NNSA recently launched a website intended to assist partners with the requirements surrounding international nuclear safeguards.
October 16, 2020
Sandia National Laboratories principal investigator Michael Omana inserts a solution into a small chamber used to increase humidity on material samples.
Sandia uses nuclear knowledge to protect medical professionals
Using knowledge gleaned from nuclear weapons work Sandia National Laboratories has developed a new way to make and test high-quality N-95 face masks
October 15, 2020
Y-12 chemical operators check a reactor vessel. The homogenization process takes place in the vessel, and several key parameters are checked and recorded hourly.
NNSA is learning how to “bake a cake” for Y-12’s Lithium Processing Facility
The science behind baking a cake is at work at NNSA’s Y-12 National Security Complex.
October 14, 2020
After a Roof Asset Management Program project was completed at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
Challenging the status quo part two: Innovation and the future of NNSA’s infrastructure modernization
NNSA is rising to meet the challenges of its aging infrastructure.
October 8, 2020
NNSA Administrator Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty attends the groundbreaking of the Emergency Operations Center at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The LLNL EOC is part of the EMC^2  pilot.
Challenging the status quo part one: Innovation and the future of NNSA’s infrastructure modernization
NNSA is exploring ways to streamline processes, accelerate delivery, and increase buying power as it modernizes its facilities.
October 7, 2020
The first TRU waste shipment in years leaves Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
NNSA, DOE, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory achieve major milestone in support of the national defense mission
The first transuranic waste shipment in a decade left Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Sept. 17 on its way to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
October 6, 2020
Dr. William Bookless, left, NNSA Principal Deputy Administrator, and Ambassador Linton Brooks present Jennifer Harder from the Office of Defense Programs with the 2020 Linton F. Brooks Medal for Dedication to Public Service.
NNSA honors Defense Programs early career-employee with Linton Brooks Award
NNSA has awarded Jennifer Harder the 2020 Linton F. Brooks Medal for Dedication to Public Service.