Available Technologies for Licensing and Collaboration

Gastrointestinal Diseases


Respiratory Diseases

Anthrax (caused by Bacillus anthracis)

General/Multi-purpose Respiratory



Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)


Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Simian HIV (SHIV)

Tropical, Emerging, & Zoonotic Diseases




Flaviviruses (including Dengue, Zika and West Nile Viruses)

Heartland Virus



Rift Valley Fever

 Zika Virus

Other Infectious Diseases

The image shows an assay to characterize influenza viruses. CDC PHIL photo, Todd Jordan.

CDC PHIL photo, Todd Jordan.


Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance

Fungal/Fungi Detection



Rabies and Lyssaviruses


Respiratory – Anthrax

Respiratory – Enterovirus

Respiratory – Fungal/Fungi including Candida

Respiratory – Influenza

Respiratory – Legionella

Respiratory – Pertussis

Respiratory – Pneumonia

Respiratory – Tuberculosis

Respiratory – Other

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

HIV (Subtypes 1 & 2) and Simian HIV


Tropical/Emerging Diseases (Includes Flaviruses)


Aerosol Exposure

Air Quality and Aerosol Analysis

Environmental, Public Health or Veterinary/Zoonotic

Disease/Infection Detection external icon

Fungal Detection

Lead Detection &/or Removal

Lyme Disease Diagnostics

Microbial Testing for Water & Public Health

Hazard Assessment

Hearing Safety

Mosquito Control including Netting, Repellent, and Traps

Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention

Pulmonary Assessment and Respirator Technology

Water Monitoring

Occupational Safety and Health Technologies

Aerosol Exposure

Air Quality and Aerosol Analysis

The image shows four trucks surrounded by dust clouds at a work site.

Workers in construction, sandblasting, and mining face significant health risk from the inhalation of silica dust. CDC NIOSH Researchers developed the mini-baghouse retrofit assembly to control the amount of respirable crystalline silica dust released from sand moving machinery by trapping the hazardous particles and reducing air pollution. This retrofit device is an easy to assemble, cost effective solution for existing oil and gas machinery.

CDC NIOSH photo, Michael Breitenstein.

Asthma and Allergies

Ergonomic and Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention

Fall Prevention

Fishing and Maritime Safety

Hazard Assessment

Hearing Safety

Lead Detection and Removal

Mining Safety

Mold/Fungus Detection

Patient Isolation

  • Mobile Patient Isolation Headboard and Canopy System – *please contact TTO@cdc.gov for more information.
  • Ventilated Patient Headboard and Canopy System – *please contact TTO@cdc.gov for more information.

Pulmonary Assessment and Respirator Technology


Aerosol Exposure

Air Quality and Aerosol Analysis

Counterfeit Drug Detection


Drug Delivery

Ergonomic and Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention

Fall Prevention

Fishing and Maritime Safety

Hazard Assessment

Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention

Hearing Safety

Lead Detection and Removal

Mining Safety

Mosquito and Pest Control Devices

Pulmonary Assessment and Respirator Technology

Software, Algorithms, and Imaging


Therapeutic and Research Use

Water Monitoring

Research Tools – includes both patented and non-patented CDC technologies

Aerosol Exposure

Air Quality and Aerosol Analysis

Chemotherapy Contaminant Detection

Counterfeit Drug Detection


Diagnostics/Laboratory Other

Drug Delivery

Ergonomic and Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention

Fall Prevention

Fishing and Maritime Safety

Hazard Assessment

Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Prevention

Hearing Safety

Lead Detection and Removal

Mining Safety

Mosquito and Pest Control Devices

Pulmonary Assessment and Respirator Technology

Software, Algorithms, and Imaging


Vaccines and/or Therapeutics Research

Water Monitoring

Featured CDC Technology

CDC PHIL photo, Dan Higgins.

Encapsulated Streptococcus Compositions and Methods for Pneumococcal Vaccine, Probiotic, and Diagnostic Assay Development,external icon

  • CDC has discovered encapsulated strains of commensal Streptococcus species, mitis, S. oralis, and S. infantis, which have capsules that are identical to pneumococcal capsules. From this, researchers developed compositions and methods from the species’ biosynthetic capsular genes.
  • The technology shows promise for protecting people against pneumococcal disease, either by using these strains as vaccines or probiotics, or through development of diagnostic assays.
  • Initial results show cross-protection against eight pneumoniae serotypes, including serotype 1, a leading cause of invasive pneumococcal disease globally outside of the US.
  • Initial concept studies have been performed in animal models.
Previously Featured CDC Technology
The photo shows a CDC researcher backflushing an ultrafiltered water sample. Photo credit: CDC Photo Services.

Photo credit: CDC Photo Services.

Monitoring Public Water Supply for a Variety of Pathogensexternal icon

  • CDC have combined two techniques, ultrafiltration (UF) and insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) in series, to achieve significant concentration of microbes and pathogens for analysis
  • UF can concentrate a water sample ≥200X, depending on turbidity; if a secondary concentration step is applied, then a ≥25,000X can be achieved
  • This technology may be used for monitoring of municipal, commercial, public, and individual water supplies for drinking water quality as well as additional applications
Photo of Counterfeit Drugs

Photo of Counterfeit Drugs

Portable Laser-Operated Counterfeit Drug Identifier (CoDI) for Tabletsexternal icon

  • Portable Laser-Operated Counterfeit Drug Identifier (CoDI) for Tabletsexternal icon
  • CDC researchers developed a portable (handheld), battery-operated, and relatively inexpensive device that non-trained personnel can use quickly to evaluate a particular branded tablet for authenticity.
  • The instrument can detect counterfeit, degraded, and expired drugs in tablet formation
  • CDC researchers successfully tested the CoDI prototype in Ghana on a project to detect falsified, degraded, and expired ingredients in antimalarial tablets. Field trials to test additional drug samples are underway.
photo depicts and Aedes species mosquito

Photo credit James Gathany, CDC

CDC Trioplex Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for Detection and Differentiation of Zika,
Dengue, & Chikungunya Virus Infections in One Clinical Sampleexternal icon

  • CDC researchers developed a diagnostic assay for the detection and
    differentiation of Zika, chikungunya and dengue viruses
  • Currently, there is no multiplex PCR assay on the market that can detect and differentiate Zika, dengue and chikungunya in one test
  • There is no FDA-approved chikungunya test on the market and current Zika and dengue tests must be run separately

Photo depicts an Aedes species mosquito. Photo credit James Gathany, CDC.

CDC Mosquito Trap for Control and Surveillance of Aedes Mosquitoes Including
Carriers of Zika, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya and Other Virusesexternal icon

  • CDC researchers developed the autocidal gravid ovitrap (AGO) device that targets older female mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs
  • CDC and the Puerto Rico Department of Health are implementing large-scale installation of AGO traps throughout several communities to reduce mosquito populations and the viruses they spread after successful field trials
  • Traps can be used for surveillance and control of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes

Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder caused by genetic mutations resulting in deficiencies in coagulation factors necessary for blood clotting. The two forms of hemophilia, hemophilia A and hemophilia B, collectively affect an estimated 400,000 people worldwide. In addition, about 1-in-1,000,000 people who do not have hemophilia A or B will develop factor inhibitors, leading to acquired hemophilia. The primary form of treatment for any hemophilia is infusion therapy to replace the missing or dysfunctional coagulation factor. A subset of patients develop an immune response to the infusion product, which leads to the production of neutralizing antibodies called inhibitors. Inhibitors bind to and inhibit the function of infused factor, which nullifies any treatment benefit, including the restoration of clot formation. Development of inhibitors makes it more difficult to stop a bleeding episode and markedly increases hospitalizations, patient morbidity, and cost of treatment. Early identification of patients who develop inhibitors is crucial for optimizing patient management strategies.

CDC scientists have developed a fluorescence immunoassay (FLI) to directly detect immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses of inhibitors in patient samples. The FLI method offers greater sensitivity than currently available methods and requires significantly smaller (approximately 50 times less) patient plasma volumes for detection. Additionally, the FLI method is not affected by the presence of bypassing agents used in hemophilia treatment or by non-specific inhibitors of coagulation; it is more amenable to uniform inter-laboratory positive thresholds, and since it is IgG subclass-specific, it is capable of identifying antibodies known to cause clinically relevant inhibition.

Potential Commercial Applications
  • Diagnostic test kit for local clinical laboratories and hemophilia treatment centers
    • Latex immuno-agglutination and luminescent oxygen channeling assays to run on automated coagulation analyzers
    • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
  • Pre-screening for congenital and acquired hemophilia patients prior to factor therapy administration
  • Detection of specific antibodies in acquired hemophilia
  • Distinguishing factor inhibitors from lupus anticoagulants
  • Inhibitor surveillance programs
  • Research tool to perform quality assurance/quality control on the inhibitor detection methods that are currently used in clinical laboratories and/or to serve as a confirmatory test for specimens that have results approaching positive thresholds using current methodologies
Competitive Advantages
  • High sensitivity and specificity
  • Direct detection of coagulation factor inhibitors with IgG subclass specificity
  • Easy to interpret results
  • Smaller sample volume inputs required
  • More amenable to uniform inter-laboratory positive thresholds
  • Fewer false positives or false negatives versus currently available methods
  • Assay not affected by bypassing agents or next generation factor treatment products with extended half-lives

Intellectual Property
HHS Reference No. E-083-2018/0.

Inventors: Brian Boylan (CDC) and Connie Miller (CDC)

Market without protection.

CDC Reference No. I-004-18.

*Contact CDC TTO at 404.639.1330 or TTO@cdc.gov for more information.

Page last reviewed: May 26, 2020
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