Water Fluoridation Promotional Resources

These resources were developed to help partners communicate with their members and constituents about community water fluoridation. Each is downloadable and printable for electronic posting or distribution.

Posters, Infocards and Buttons

Meet John & Joe (Two Versions)

Meet John & Joe cover

Meet John & Joe recognizes how communities benefit from water fluoridation. 
Poster pdf icon[PDF–3M]

Letter pdf icon[PDF-235K]

Tabloid pdf icon[PDF-302K]



How Fluoride Works

How Fluoride Works

How Fluoride Works shows how fluoride protects the teeth and mouth. 
Poster pdf icon[PDF–1M]

Smile, Because You Can

Smile, Because You Can

Smile, Because You Can highlights the history of water fluoridation to improve oral health. 
Poster pdf icon[PDF–1M]
Infocardimage icon

Letter pdf icon[PDF-1M]

Tabloid pdf icon[PDF-1M]


Communities Benefit from Water Fluoridation

Thumbnail image for Communities Benefit from Water Fluoridation

View online












Water with Fluoride Builds a Foundation for Healthy Teeth

Water with fluoride builds a foundation for healthy teeth. Brush with fluoride toothpaste. Visit the dentist regularly. Drink water with fluoride.. In fact, drinking water with fluoride can reduce cavities by about 25 percent, saving you and your family tine and money in dental visits and costs. Adding fluoride to drinking water has been shown to be safe for 70 years. Be sure you and your family drink water with fluoride to build a strong foundation for your teeth.







Water with Fluoride Builds a Foundation for Healthy Teeth (Alternative)

Fluoridation builds a foundation for healthy teeth

Celebrating 75 Years of Community Water Fluoridation




Download image icon[JPG – 197 KB]