Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care

Current COVID-19 Interim Guidance

Find the most up-to-date information about infection prevention and control practices on CDC’s COVID-19 page, including CDC’s Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response. These pages include information for the public and healthcare professionals, frequently asked questions and answers, and other helpful links.

This page lets you view the content of the Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care document online. PDF versions are available near the bottom of the page.

  • Infection prevention program administrative measures,
  • Infection prevention education and training,
  • Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette,
  • Updated safe injection practices.
Young man getting a dental checkup


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Cover image to Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings