What CDC Is Doing

Family Illustration

Through the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Prevention, CDC works in the United States and around the world to:

  • Conduct surveillance to identify and monitor iodine, iron, and anemia levels among vulnerable and high risk populations.
  • Provide the Infant and Toddler Nutrition website as a resource for parents and caregivers. This site offers practical strategies on feeding healthy foods and drinks to infants and toddlers, from birth to 24 months of age.
  • Work with partners such as the American Academy of Pediatrics to engage pediatricians in advising on the importance of good nutrition practices for young children.
  • Help countries develop national-level nutrition surveillance systems and national micronutrient surveys.
  • Help countries design, monitor, and evaluate interventions such as mass food fortification, home fortification, and micronutrient supplementation.
  • Build laboratory capacity for vitamin and mineral biomarker monitoring.
  • Work with partners, such as the World Health Organization, to develop global guidelines on vitamin and mineral interventions as well as the assessment of anemia and micronutrient status.