
CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) is committed to increasing breastfeeding rates throughout the United States and to promoting and supporting optimal breastfeeding practices toward the ultimate goal of improving the public’s health.

In the Spotlight

A child eating cereal with a spoon

IFPSII Follow-up Study –  Infant Feeding Practices Study II: a longitudinal study that followed about 2,000 mother-infant pairs from the third trimester throughout the first year of life.

Logo: Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding

The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding – A Call to Action to make it possible for every mother who wishes to breastfeed to be able to do so.

Data, Trends, and Maps

Data, Trends, and Maps – This interactive database that provides information about the health status and behaviors of Americans, state-by-state, via clickable maps, charts, and tables.

CDC Vital Signs

Vital Signs – Hospital Support for Breastfeeding: Preventing Obesity Begins in Hospitals.