
World Health Organizationexternal icon (WHO)
IMMPaCt works with WHO to support the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System, strengthen the evidence base, and develop policies, recommendations, and best practices for the design and implementation of nutrition programs. IMMPaCt participates in WHO’s systematic reviews and advisory groups for the development of global guidelines on nutrition topics. The aim of the collaboration is to make these resources more accessible to people, policy makers, and program designers and implementers.

United Nations Children’s Fundexternal icon (UNICEF)
IMMPaCt works with UNICEF to support the planning and implementation of assessments of the burden of micronutrient deficiencies in select countries and the design and implementation of systems to monitor and evaluate interventions. It also provides support for developing policies, frameworks, and global initiatives to eliminate micronutrient deficiencies.

Nutrition Internationalexternal icon (NI)
IMMPaCt works closely with the Nutrition International (formerly Micronutrient Initiative) to support monitoring and evaluation systems for NI’s micronutrient malnutrition intervention programs. CDC and NI serve together in active roles in various nutrition initiatives, such as co-leading the Micronutrient Forumexternal icon.

U.S. Agency for International Developmentexternal icon (USAID)
Through a CDC-wide interagency agreement with USAID, IMMPaCt provides epidemiologic, technical and training assistance for the development of integrated nutrition, maternal and child health surveillance systems.

National Institutes of Healthexternal icon (NIH)
IMMPaCt provides technical assistance and subject matter expertise to the Biomarkers of Nutrition Development (BOND) initiative, to the Malaria and Iron Research Steering Committee, to the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutrition Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) research project and to the Inflammation and Nutritional Science for Programs/Policies (INSPIRE) working group.

Global Alliance for Improved Nutritionexternal icon (GAIN)
IMMPaCt provides epidemiologic, technical, and training assistance to GAIN for the monitoring and evaluation of GAIN-funded initiatives on fortification and maternal and infant and young child nutrition. CDC and GAIN also collaborate on research activities.

Rollins School of Public Health at Emory Universityexternal icon
With Emory University’s Hubert Department of Global Health, IMMPaCT provides subject matter expertise to the Food Fortification Initiative (FFI), collaborates on research projects, and shares teaching responsibilities for a global elimination of micronutrient malnutrition graduate course.

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