Contact the Elder Justice Initiative

Contact the Elder Justice Initiative

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Thank you for visiting the Elder Justice Website.  We appreciate your interest in the Department’s elder justice efforts.   

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 for immediate help.

For non-life threatening emergencies:

  • Call the Eldercare Locator helpline at 1-800-677-1116

  • Visit the Victim Connect Resource Center online, or call the Victim Connect hotline at 1-855-4VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)

If you want to suggest corrections to the Elder Justice Website, send an E-mail to with a description of the error and where you found it.

Please note:

  • The information contained on the Elder Justice Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice.

  • E-mail accounts are not available for service of official, case-related or legal documents. E-mail is not monitored for such submissions or for other time-sensitive communications. For details about how we handle personal information, you can read the Department of Justice Privacy Policy.

  • E-mails with attachments will be deleted as they may contain viruses.

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