Two men and a child silhouetted in the sunset on a family farm

Childhood Agricultural Injury Survey (CAIS) Results

CAIS Injury Tables

Injury data include information such as whether an injury was work-related or not, the nature of the injury, the source of the injury, and the body part injured. The distribution of injury estimates are also provided by various demographic characteristics (e.g., age, sex, type of farm). Detailed injury information was only collected for the four most recent injury events that occurred on a farm.

National estimates of injuries to all youth (<20 years) on U.S. farms by:

type of youth (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of youth and region (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of youth and sex (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of youth and age group (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of youth and type of farm (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of farm and age group (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
nature of injury (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
body part (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
body part and sex (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury event (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
source of injury (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
demographic characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)

National estimates of injuries to household youth (<20 years) on U.S. farms by:

region (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
sex (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
age group (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of farm (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
body part (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury event (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
source of injury (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
demographic characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)

National estimates of work-related injuries to working youth (<20 years) on U.S. farms by:

type of farm (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
type of youth (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
demographic characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)

National estimates of work-related injuries to working household youth (<20 years) on U.S. farms by:

demographic characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)

National estimates of work-related injuries to hired youth (<20 years) on U.S. farms by:

demographic characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)
injury characteristics – all years combined (pdfpdf icon, excelexcel icon)

Page last reviewed: April 10, 2018