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The U.S. Department of Energy is authorized to issue loan guarantees pursuant to Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Eligible projects for the Title XVII program must:

  • Utilize a new or significantly improved technology; 
  • Avoid, reduce or sequester greenhouse gases; 
  • Be located in the United States; and,
  • Have a reasonable prospect of repayment. 

Bridging the Innovative Energy Financing Gap

Commercial lenders are often unwilling or unable to take on the risk of supporting the deployment of a new technology until it has a solid history of commercial operation. As a result, the initial commercial deployment of new energy technology is often limited by a project developer’s inability to secure sufficient long-term debt financing to build the project. Title XVII was established to fill this critical role in the marketplace by financing the first deployments of a new technology to bridge the gap for commercial lenders. Once the technology is proven at commercial scale through the first few projects, the Department stops providing financing and lets the private market take over.

Track Record of Success

To date, the Title XVII Innovative Energy Loan Guarantee Program has provided more than $25 billion in loan guarantees to an all-of-the-above energy portfolio of projects. Learn more about projects that LPO has helped to fund at Portfolio Projects.

Title XVII Projects by Technology

Advanced Nuclear Energy Projects
Cleaner and Safer: LPO investments in next-generation nuclear technology move the nation toward a low-carbon future
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Photovoltaic Solar Projects
Powering New Markets: LPO investments are launching utilty-scale solar in the United States
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Wind Energy Projects
Turning Toward the Future: LPO investments harness the power of the wind from Hawaii to Maine
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Geothermal Energy Projects
Groundbreaking Clean Energy: LPO investments draw the benefits of America's geothermal resources to the surface
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Concentrating Solar Power Projects
Towers of Power: LPO investments help utility-scale solar reach new heights in the American southwest
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Storage & Transmission Projects
Putting Americans to Work: LPO investments are creating supply chains and supporting communities
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Bioenergy & Biofuels Projects
Homegrown American Energy: LPO investments are creating new sources of energy from abundant sources of biomass
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Building on Success for the Future

Moving forward, Title XVII has nearly $24 billion available for loan guarantees to accelerate the commercial deployment of innovative energy technology. For projects that are interested in the Title XVII program, visit Title XVII Open Solicitations.

Title XVII Open Solicitations & Guidance

Advanced Fossil Energy Projects Loan Guarantees
$8.5 billion in loan guarantee authority for innovative advanced fossil energy projects
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Advanced Nuclear Energy Projects Loan Guarantees
$10.9 billion in loan guarantee authority for innovative advanced nuclear energy projects
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Renewable Energy & Efficient Energy Projects Loan Guarantees
Up to $4.5 billion in loan guarantee authority for innovative renewable energy & efficient energy projects
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Distributed Energy Projects
Guidance for Distributed Energy Project eligibility under the Advanced Fossil Energy and Renewable Energy & Efficient Energy solicitations
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Electric Vehicles & Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Guidance on loans and loan guarantees for the deployment and manufacture of EV and alternative fuel vehicles infrastructure
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