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Cargill's Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Pandemic

At Cargill, our values— do the right thing, put people first and reach higher —continue to guide us as we navigate COVID-19. As we work around the clock every day to support our workforce, suppliers, customers and the communities in which we live and work, Cargill draws on our decades of experience navigating major global issues to mitigate the ongoing impacts of the pandemic. The pandemic has tested all of us, personally and professionally. And it has proven how strong our food system and our communities are when we work together. As communities and our customers face the negative impacts of COVID-19, Cargill will continue to be here to help.

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Cargill is committed to helping the world thrive

Cargill is working to nourish the world. We're bringing together people, ideas, and resources to deliver products, technology and ways of operating that build successful businesses and communities.