CRS Highlights

CRS Highlights

FY 2019 Annual Report


Thursday, October 22, 2020

CRS Presents Its FY 2019 Annual Report

The FY 2019 Annual Report includes spotlight articles on CRS’s services to faith communities following attacks and attempted attacks at places of worship; the history of the agency’s work with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning community; and examples of successful outcomes with communities across the country.

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CRS supports communities experiencing racial tension

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Monday, October 19, 2020

CRS Supports Communities Experiencing Racial Tension

CRS has been in communication with federal, state, and local government officials, as well as community and faith-based leaders, in approximately 65 U.S. cities, in response to the demonstrations in the aftermath of the deaths of Mr. Arbery, Ms. Taylor, and Mr. Floyd.

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CRS responds to bias incidents and hate crimes at colleges and universities

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Monday, September 21, 2020

CRS Responds to Bias Incidents and Hate Crimes at Colleges and Universities

CRS supports campus-related community groups as they work to prevent and respond to bias incidents and hate crimes on campuses and in cities throughout the country.

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CRS Supports Communities Experiencing COVID-19 Related Tensions and Conflicts

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

CRS Supports Communities Experiencing COVID-19 Related Tensions and Conflicts

CRS’s recent work in California illustrates the range of services conciliation specialists can provide to community groups experiencing COVID-19 related tensions and conflicts.

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CRS Pilots Updated “Engaging and Building Relationships with Transgender Communities” Training Program for Law Enforcement


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

CRS Pilots Updated “Engaging and Building Relationships with Transgender Communities” Training Program for Law Enforcement

The U.S. Department of Justice Community Relations Service has updated its training program designed to improve communication and understanding between law enforcement officers and transgender individuals.

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 Discover CRS - Introduction to the agency


Monday, March 16, 2020

New Video: Discover CRS - Introduction to the Agency

Take a journey with CRS, from headquarters and regional offices to other historical sites across the nation, as agency leadership and tenured staff share their invaluable expertise, experiences, and institutional knowledge from working as “America’s Peacemakers,” and recount the role of CRS in the furtherance of peace during pivotal moments in civil rights history.

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CRS creates the southern California network of law enforcement community relations professionals


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

CRS Creates the Southern California Network of Law Enforcement Community Relations Professionals

In summer 2019, CRS collaborated with municipal and county law enforcement agencies across Southern California to form a network to improve cooperation between law enforcement agencies and strengthen law enforcement-community relations across the region.

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Faith-based community safety and security symposium at the White House


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Faith-Based Community Safety and Security Symposium at the White House

In September 2019, CRS National Program Manager for Muslim, Arab, South Asian, Sikh and Hindu (MASSAH) Communities, Harpreet Mokha, spoke on a panel to describe CRS’s Protecting Places of Worship forum at a Faith-Based Community Safety and Security Symposium at the White House.

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FY 2018 Annual Report


Friday, April 26, 2019

CRS Presents Its Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Annual Report

CRS’s FY 2018 Annual Report highlights the agency’s work helping to maintain peace in communities across the country.

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CRS collaborates on creation of DOJ Hate Crimes website



Monday, October 29, 2018

CRS Collaborates on Creation of DOJ Hate Crimes Website

The Hate Crimes website provides a centralized portal for the DOJ’s hate crimes resources for victims, law enforcement, researchers, civil rights groups, media, and other related organizations and individuals.

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