Mining Publication: Ergonomic Interventions at Vulcan Materials Company

Original creation date: November 2007

Authors: J Torma-Krajewski, C Hipes, LJ Steiner, R Burgess-Limerick

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - November 2007

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20032970

Min Eng 2007 Nov; 59(11):54-58

Although many mining companies apply ergonomic principles, it is usually done either informally and/or reactively. An example of an informal approach is replacing worn equipment (such as seats) with models that have ergonomic features. Another example is modifying a task to eliminate safety hazards. Such approaches reduce risk-factor exposures that can lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). A reactive approach is followed when modifying a task/ equipment after an MSD occurs. However, neither of these approaches involves a systematic method of proactively applying ergonomic principles to actually prevent injuries or illnesses. This paper discusses how Vulcan Materials Company applied ergonomic principles and implemented interventions to reduce risk-factor exposures.

Image of publication Ergonomic Interventions at Vulcan Materials Company
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - November 2007

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20032970

Min Eng 2007 Nov; 59(11):54-58

Page last reviewed: 9/21/2012 Page last updated: 9/21/2012