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Apply for technical assistance.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects. The Office of Indian Energy, DOE national laboratories, and other partnering organizations provide the technical assistance at no cost. For general information or inquiries, please contact our help desk.

The goal of technical assistance is to address a specific challenge or fulfill a need that is essential to a current project's successful implementation. The intended result is a tangible product or specific deliverable designed to help move a project forward.

View a map and list of completed on-request technical assistance.


The following tribal entities are eligible for on-request technical assistance:

  • Federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages
  • Tribal entities —including Alaska Native regional and village corporations, intertribal organizations, and tribal energy development organizations.

Current projects funded by DOE grants receive highest priority. Priority will also be given to tribes that have previously submitted grant applications, but have not yet received awards.

Types of Technical Assistance

Technical Analysis

Assistance in technical analysis generally involves analysis and modeling, expert review, transmission and/or utility assessment, market access, and energy efficiency reviews. This assistance is intended to address a specific project needs and result in a tangible product or deliverable to move a specific project forward.

Financial Analysis

Financial analysis assistance is intended for decision makers in the early stages of energy development, including economic or market analysis. This assistance may include modeling for payback periods, net present value (NPV), and levelized cost of energy (LCOE).

Strategic Energy Planning

Assistance in strategic planning may provide an initial resource assessment, energy options analyses, and development of a viable roadmap for development. This assistance typically includes an on-site workshop facilitated by tribal energy expert(s) to assist tribal leaders, elders and staff develop an energy plan. 

Apply for Technical Assistance

By applying for Office of Indian Energy technical assistance, the requestor indicates he or she has permission to request assistance on behalf of a tribal entity and that the request is to advance a tribal energy goal or project.

By submitting a technical assistance request, you are agreeing that:

  • You, as the requestor, have the authority to request assistance on behalf of the eligible tribal entity
  • The request applies specifically to advancing a tribal energy goal or energy project
  • A designated tribal contact will be available and responsive to DOE’s and/or its technical assistance provider’s requests
  • The designated tribal representative will be available to participate on a call to discuss the scope of the assistance
  • The designated tribal representative will provide any additional information (e.g., energy usage data) requested in a timely manner.

Apply for technical assistance.