ODEP works to ensure meaningful access to employment and training programs and services for people with disabilities through public systems as well as private organizations and employers. Recognizing the need for a national policy to promote a more inclusive workforce, ODEP works collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders to promote capacity building and systematic changes that increase the employment and economic status of youth, adults and mature individuals with disabilities. This collaborative work promotes the development of policy based on validated practices to promote a workforce system that is highly coordinated, broadly effective for the widest possible range of career-seeking customers, and a meaningful source of diverse human resource talent for businesses.

As part of these efforts, ODEP works closely with DOL's workforce development system, funded by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and delivered through the nationwide network of American Job Centers. These are community centers that provide employment, education and training services all in one place, offering a wealth of information and assistance for job seekers and employers. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), which became effective July 1, 2000, established the One-Stop Career Center system.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Resources/American Job Center Information

WIOA Resource Page (ETA)

The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has established a WIOA Resource Page to provide information and resources for States, local areas, non-profits and other grantees, and other stakeholders to assist with implementing the Act. It contains information about and links to proposed rules, guidance, frequently asked questions, and other technical assistance materials. The page will be updated with new guidance and technical assistance materials as they become available.

Section 188 Resources

Final Rule on WIOA Section 188 Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity — The Department of Labor's Civil Rights Center issued an updated Final Rule to ensure equal access to the nation's workforce development system for the millions of job applicants, training participants, program beneficiaries, and employees of recipients who interact with the workforce development system each year. The updates also enhance access to the system for people with disabilities and other impacted communities.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Promising Practices In Achieving Universal Access And Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide (PDF) — Helps ensure nondiscrimination and equal opportunity to persons with disabilities participating in programs and activities operated by WIOA grant recipients that are part of the American Job Center system.

  • Training and Employment Notice No. 01-15: Promising Practices In Achieving Universal Access And Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide — This Training and Employment Notice (TEN), signed by three DOL Assistant Secretaries, introduced the WIOA Section 188 Disability Reference Guide to all state workforce liaisons, state workforce agency administrators, One-Stop Centers, state workforce agencies, state Equal Opportunity (EO) officers, state and local workforce board chairs and directors, and state labor commissioners, asking them to distribute the TEN and the Reference Guide to appropriate staff. The Reference Guide does not create any new legal requirements or change current legal requirements. Rather, it provides DOL's Civil Rights Center a uniform procedure for measuring compliance with those provisions of Section 188 and the implementing regulations that pertain to persons with disabilities.

LEAD Center WIOA Resources

The ODEP-funded LEAD Center has developed several technical assistance products focused on implications within WIOA for individuals with disabilities.

Other WIOA Resources

American Job Centers

America's Service Locator — Provides locations for American Job Centers across the nation. Information is also available by calling (toll-free) 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627) or 1-877-TTY-JOBS (1-877-887-5627) (TTY).

ODEP Technical Assistance Initiatives and Resources

Workforce System Policy Briefs

Other Federal Workforce Resources

Private- and Nonprofit Sector Workforce Publications & Resources

Workforce Organizations & Associations