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Office of Indian Energy leadership and staff.
Back row: James Jensen, Kris Venema, Givey Kochanowski (DOE), Kevin Frost (DOE, Director). Front row: Jami Alley, Lizana Pierce (DOE), Jen Luna, Tweedie Doe (DOE), Susan Manley, Jasmine Anderson, Thomas Jones. All others are DOE contractors.


Contact the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy by mail, email, or phone


Washington, D.C.

Office of Indian Energy

1000 Independence Ave. SW

Room 8E-060

Washington, D.C. 20585


Help Desk

Phone: 240-562-1352



Event Requests

To request a DOE Office of Indian Energy speaker, booth, or attendance at an event, please see our event requests page.
