Organized Crime and Gang Section (OCGS)

Organized Crime and Gang Section (OCGS)

About OCGS

The Organized Crime and Gang Section (OCGS) within the Criminal Division was established in late 2010 as a merger of the (former) Organized Crime and Racketeering Section (OCRS), Gang Unit, and the National Gang Targeting, Enforcement & Coordination Center (GangTECC).  The new, combined OCGS pursues a multi-faceted approach to combating all forms of organized crime targets.

This site is designed to provide information about OCGS and its activities, such as prosecutions, investigative support, case coordination/targeting, training, and policy and legislation assistance.   We welcome your comments, questions, or suggestions.

View the Current Attorney General's News Briefing.


David L. Jaffe
Chief, Organized Crime and Gang Section

(202) 514-3594
Street Gangs
Street Gangs