Report Violations

Information from the public is vital to the work of the Antitrust Division. Your e-mails, letters, and phone calls could be our first alert to a possible violation of antitrust laws and may provide the initial evidence needed to begin an investigation.

If you do not think your concerns involve the antitrust laws, you may want to visit the Department of Justice site for more information or send a message to the Department of Justice.

Citizen Complaint Center

To report general antitrust violations, such as price fixing, bid rigging, and market allocation, contact the Citizen Complaint Center.

See: Price Fixing, Bid Rigging, and Market Allocation Schemes: What They Are and What to Look For.

Office of Decree Enforcement and Compliance

To report information regarding potential violations of civil judgments contact the Office of Decree Enforcement and Compliance by sending an e-mail to

Procurement Collusion Strike Force

To report antitrust crimes and related schemes in government procurement, grant, and program funding, contact the PCSF Tip Center.

Comments or Questions About Specific Industries or Events

You may wish to review the following specific industry and event resource pages, and if appropriate, direct your questions, comments, or concerns to the corresponding Antitrust Division contacts.

Agriculture Workshops: See Agriculture and Antitrust Enforcement Issues in Our 21st Century Economy and send e-mails to

Concert Industry: If you have information about potential violations of the Final Judgment in United States v. Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc. and Live Nation, Inc., or other anticompetitive conduct in the concert industry, please e-mail

Recovery Act: See Economic Recovery Initiative and if you encounter the “Red Flags of Collusion,” including bid rigging involving Recovery Act funds, send an e-mail to

Real Estate: See Competition and Real Estate and send e-mails to


Updated December 1, 2020

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