Current Hospital Capacity Estimates – Snapshot

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Dashboards last updated as of July 14, 2020. For more information about current hospital COVID-19 reporting, please refer to the July 13, 2020 HHS Guidance for Hospital Reporting and FAQ pdf icon[PDF - 1 MB]external icon.

Estimates of hospital capacity were available at the national and state levels. These estimates used data that hospitals submitted to the NHSN COVID-19 Module and statistical methods that included weighting (to account for non-response) and multiple imputation (to account for missing data). The estimates (number and percentage) are shown along with 95% confidence intervals that reflect random error.

Downloadable Dataset

The following downloadable file contains national and state estimates from the NHSN COVID-19 Module. This file will not be updated after July 14, 2020 and includes data from April 1 to July 14.

download icon Download national and state estimates NHSN COVID-19 Module data [CSV – 600 KB]

National Estimates
State Representative Estimates for Percentage of Inpatient Beds Occupied (All Patients)
State Representative Estimates for Percentage of Inpatient Beds Occupied by COVID-19 Patients
State Representative Estimates for Percentage of ICU Beds Occupied (All Patients)