Procurement Collusion Strike Force

U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division seal. Procurement Collusion Strike Force. Coordinated national response to collusion and antitrust crimes in public procurement.

The Procurement Collusion Strike Force (PCSF) leads a coordinated national response to combat antitrust crimes and related schemes in government procurement, grant, and program funding at all levels of government—Federal, state, and local. The PCSF is comprised of the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, multiple U.S. Attorneys’ Offices around the country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Inspectors General for multiple Federal agencies.

Report Possible Violations

Click to Report COVID-19 Procurement Collusion by Email
Click to Report Other Procurement Collusion by Online Form

See also the Division's Leniency Program for corporations and individuals.

Training on Collusion for Inspectors General and Procurement Officials

The PCSF is committed to working with the Inspectors General of agencies receiving Federal funds, as well as government procurement officials, to train individuals at all levels of the funding process to better deter and detect antitrust crimes affecting government procurement, grant, and program funding.

  • Who needs to be trained: Federal, state, and local agency procurement and grant officers, as well as agency auditors and investigators.
  • What is the focus of training: Identifying the red flags of collusion.
  • What are the goals of training:
    • Prevent collusion and related crimes in the process of awarding contracts and grants.
    • Identify and investigate possible collusion and related crimes relating to contracts or grants that have been awarded for potential criminal prosecution.

To schedule training or request more information, send an email to


Video: Recognizing Antitrust Conspiracies and Working with the Antitrust Division | Slides

Red Flags of Collusion

Antitrust Laws and You: Learn about antitrust laws

September 28, 2005

Price Fixing, Bid Rigging, and Market Allocation Schemes: What They Are and What to Look For

July 2019

Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs in Criminal Antitrust Investigations

September 16, 2020

Procurement Collusion Strike Force Showcase Presentation

Blog Post

November 12, 2020

Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Caps Off Successful Inaugural Year by Adding Eleven New National Partners

Press Releases

November 12, 2020

Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Announces Eleven New National Partners

November 12, 2020

Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Delivers Remarks on the Future of Antitrust

June 16, 2020

Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Presents Procurement Collusion Strike Force to the International Competition Community

March 9, 2020

Justice Department Cautions Business Community Against Violating Antitrust Laws in the Manufacturing, Distribution, and Sale of Public Health Products

November 5, 2019

Justice Department Announces Procurement Collusion Strike Force: a Coordinated National Response to Combat Antitrust Crimes and Related Schemes in Government Procurement, Grant and Program Funding

November 5, 2019

Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Delivers Remarks at the Procurement Collusion Strike Force Press Conference

November 5, 2019

Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen Delivers Remarks at the Procurement Collusion Strike Force Press Conference

Related Internet Sites

Updated December 10, 2020

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