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The DOE National Laboratories provide technical and programmatic support to advance the EM cleanup through innovation.

Science & Technology News

Oak Ridge Employs Drone Technology for Safer Inspections
November 24, 2020
What’s the safest way to climb and inspect a 70-year-old, 250-foot-tall brick exhaust stack?
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Innovation Key to Closure of Coal Yard at SRS
November 17, 2020
The final dump truck delivering limestone gravel came and went, setting the stage for the closure of a 12-acre legacy coal yard.
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Students, SRS Experts Engage in ‘STEMulating' Conversations
November 17, 2020
Students are becoming pen pals with Savannah River Site (SRS) employees whose degrees and careers involve science, technology, engineering, and math.
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EM, Los Alamos National Laboratory Preserve America’s Nuclear Knowledge Base
November 10, 2020
A little-known team of experts at the Denver Federal Center and Los Alamos National Laboratory is preserving America’s nuclear weapons research.
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Oak Ridge’s New Technologies Ensure Vehicle Safety
November 10, 2020
EM’s cleanup at Oak Ridge is supported by numerous vehicles that ship waste, transport personnel, and deliver items.
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Team Innovates With Underwater Vacuuming of Spent Fuel Core Resin at SRS
October 27, 2020
Employees at the Savannah River Site (SRS) recently began underwater vacuuming to remove resin from a reactor’s spent nuclear fuel cores.
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New Well Set to Enhance Groundwater Treatment at Idaho Site
October 20, 2020
EM and cleanup contractor Fluor Idaho will assist the U.S. Geological Survey in drilling a well at the north end of the 890-square-mile Idaho site.
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Crews Implement Upgrades Before Resuming U-233 Processing at Oak Ridge
October 20, 2020
DOE’s Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and its contractor Isotek are resuming uranium (U)-233 processing.
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Virtual Field Trips to Savannah River Site Become Reality
October 20, 2020
EM contractor Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) is bringing the site visit experience to the students virtually.
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Innovation Accelerates Cleanup, Reduces Cost, Enhances Safety
October 13, 2020
From a more efficient approach for disposing debris to a digital-based monitoring system that helps detect and prevent heat stress.
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The Savannah River National Laboratory Policy Office (as known as the EM Laboratory Policy Office (LPO)) sponsors and coordinates the involvement of national laboratories in support of the EM mission activities, in accordance with the EM National Laboratory Governance Framework for the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and the charter for the EM National Laboratory Network (EMNLN). The EM LPO leads oversight and management of SRNL in partnership with the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA) Office of Policy with support from the EM and NNSA Savannah River Site/Field Offices.

SRNL is a DOE EM-sponsored multi-program Federally Funded Research and Development Center currently operated by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions. They possess core competencies in: environmental remediation and risk reduction; tritium processing, storage, and gas transfer systems; nuclear materials processing and disposition; and nuclear materials detection, characterization and assessment. SRNL’s highly trained workforce strives to put science to work to create practical and cost-effective solutions for keeping our nation safe, cleaning up nuclear waste and advancing our nation’s energy and manufacturing objectives. The unique facilities of SRNL include laboratories for the safe study and handling of radioactive materials, a field demonstration site for testing and evaluating environmental cleanup technologies, laboratories for the ultra-sensitive measurement and analysis of radioactive materials, and the nation’s only radiological crime investigation laboratory.

SRNL has played an important role in providing technical support to the DOE EM nuclear cleanup mission since the beginning of EM’s missions. Innovative approaches and methodologies developed by SRNL scientists and engineers have contributed to the successful execution of many EM mission activities.

Savannah River National Laboratory graphic

EM National Laboratory Network (EMNLN)

In addition to SRNL, other national laboratories in the DOE complex also provide unique and complimentary expertise and capabilities to address many one-of-a-kind technical challenges of EM’s complex nuclear cleanup projects. EM has recently taken steps to link the capabilities of DOE national laboratories supporting DOE EM’s cleanup mission by strengthening historic partnerships with our cleanup sites and relationships with individual labs to take advantage of the synergies of a larger EMNLN.  Currently, SRNL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories actively participate in the EMNLN. Led by the SRNL and PNNL, the chartered EMNLN are working to address technical challenges that the EM program faces. The Network identifies and provides resources to support EM response, technical review, policy analysis and strategic planning.  It also engages EM headquarters, EM site offices, contractors and others to address EM cleanup challenges and emergent needs. An example of the EMNLN engagements in EM interactions with the international community is the ongoing collaborative research and development in support of decommissioning and remediation of the Fukishima Daaichi Nuclear Power Station.