Contact Us

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For questions or comments about COVID-19, please contact CDC through CDC-INFO. Please do not send COVID-19 questions or comments to any of the email addresses listed below.

For Immunization-related Questions

Use one of the following forms to have your questions answered.

  • CDC-INFO “vaccinations” inquiry form
    Use form and type “vaccinations” in the subject field in order to have your question quickly sent to the appropriate expert.
  • NCIRD webmaster
    Use form to have the NCIRD web team address your suggestions, fix bad links, request new URLs, and more.

For Bacterial Disease Questions

For Viral Disease Questions

For the Media

  • Contact a media representative
    Use form to gather more media information or to arrange for an interview.
  • If you are not with media, please contact CDC-INFO or at 1-800-CDC-INFO.
Page last reviewed: January 1, 2016