Miscellaneous Publications

National Conference on Health Statistics

The National Conference on Health Statistics, sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics, meets biennially in Washington, D.C. The NCHS replaces the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. Proceedings of the Conference are included on this site.

National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (Annual Reports)

The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics advises the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Committee collaborates with agencies within the DHHS and other public and private sector organizations. Special reports have been issued by the Committee and published by NCHS in the past. Only the on-going annual reports appear in this list.

Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics

The Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics meets biennially in Washington, D.C. Proceedings of the conferences appear in this list.

Reports from the National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey

The National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (NMCUES) was conducted in 1980 and early 1981. Data were collected on health, access to and use of medical services, associated charges and sources of payment, and health insurance coverage for the civilian noninstitutionalized population. Reports from the survey were published by NCHS and the Health Care Financing Administration.

Clearinghouse on Health Indexes

Quarterly compilations of citations of recent publications reporting efforts to develop and /or apply composite measures of health status. This series ceased after issue No. 4, 1990.

Statistical Notes for Health Planners

Discontinued after issue No. 13. Issued irregularly as a guide for health planners and others in the use of appropriate statistical methodology for collecting and analyzing vital and health statistics. Each issue is devoted to discussion of a single topic with emphasis on existing data.

Adolescent Health in the United States, 2007 pdf icon[PDF – 1.6 MB]

America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Beingexternal icon


Anthropometric and Clinical Findings: Preliminary Findings of the First Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, U.S., 1971-1972 pdf icon[PDF – 6.6 MB]

Assessing Physical Fitness and Physical Activity in Population-Based Surveys pdf icon[PDF – 7.5 MB]

Atlas of United States Mortality

Chartbook for the Conference on the Decline in Coronary Heart Disease Mortality pdf icon[PDF – 7.5 MB]

Charting the Nation’s Health: Trends Since 1960 pdf icon[PDF – 64.5 MB]

Consensus Workshop on Dietary Assessment: Nutrition Monitoring and Tracking the Year 2000 Objectives pdf icon[PDF – 13.7 MB]

Current Legislative Authorities of the National Center for Health Statistics, 1999 pdf icon[PDF – 696 KB]

Disability and Health in the United States, 2001-2005 pdf icon[PDF – 830 KB]

Draft Guidelines for Statistics and Information on Effects of the Environment on Health pdf icon[PDF – 2.8 MB]

Eliminating Health Disparities pdf icon[PDF – 861 KB]

Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: State and National Estimates pdf icon[PDF – 196 KB]

Executive Summary of the Growth Chart Workshop 1992 pdf icon[PDF – 4.8 MB]

Executive Summary of Workshop to Consider Low Birthweight in Relation to the Revision of the NCHS Growth Charts for Infancy (Birth-3 Years) pdf icon[PDF – 6.2 MB]

Executive Summary of Workshop to Consider Secular Trends and Possible Pooling of Data in Relation to the Revision of the NCHS Growth Charts pdf icon[PDF – 2.5 MB]

Executive Summary, Report to Congress on Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing pdf icon[PDF – 3.7 MB]

Fertility Tables for Birth Cohorts by Color: United States, 1917-73 pdf icon[PDF – 74.7 MB]

Funeral Directors’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting. (2003 Revision) pdf icon[PDF – 1.3 MB]

Guidelines for Reporting Occupation and Industry on Death Certificates pdf icon[PDF – 3.7 MB]

Handbook on the Reporting of Induced Termination of Pregnancy pdf icon[PDF – 2.6 MB]

Handbook on Divorce Registration pdf icon[PDF – 2.5 MB]

Handbook on Marriage Registration pdf icon[PDF – 2.8 MB]

Health Care in America: Trends in Utilization pdf icon[PDF – 3.3 MB]

Health Insurance Coverage for the Self-Employed With No Employees pdf icon[PDF – 4.6 MB]

Health Survey Research Methods

Health, United States, 2003. Special Excerpt: Trend Tables on 65 and Older Population pdf icon[PDF – 7 MB]

History of the Statistical Classification of Diseases and Causes of Death pdf icon[PDF – 2 MB]

Hormone Replacement Therapy Knowledge and Use in the United States [PDF – 2.5 MB]

Hospitals: A County and Metropolitan Area Data Book. Data Compiled From the 1967 Master Facility Inventory pdf icon[PDF – 12.9 MB]

Hospitals’ and Physicians’ Handbook on Birth Registration and Fetal Death Reporting pdf icon[PDF – 7.7 MB]

Injury in the United States: 2007 Chartbook pdf icon[PDF – 6.7 MB]

International Health Data Reference Guide

International Mortality Chartbook. Levels and Trends, 1955-91 pdf icon[PDF – 87 MB]

Long-Term Care Services in the United States: 2013 Overview pdf icon[PDF – 3.7 MB]

Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting. (2003 Revision) pdf icon[PDF – 2.9 MB]

Model State Vital Statistics Act and Regulations

Mortality Trend Tables for Leading Causes and Selected Components: United States, 1950-69 pdf icon[PDF – 5.9 MB]

National Trends in Injury Hospitalizations 1979-2001 pdf icon[PDF – 25 MB]

National Vital Statistics System, Teenage Births in the United States: National and State Trends, 1990-96 pdf icon[PDF – 196 KB]

NCHS Programs and Activities. June 2002. pdf icon[PDF – 998 KB]

NCHS Programs and Activities. November 1997 pdf icon[PDF – 1.2 MB]

NCHS Staff Manual on Confidentiality pdf icon[PDF – 362 KB]

Nutrition Monitoring in the United States

Older Americans 2012, Key Indicators of Well-Beingexternal icon

Occupation and Health Data Guide: Bibliographies and Data Sources From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Health Statistics pdf icon[PDF – 1.7 MB]

Physicians’ Handbook on Medical Certification of Death (2003 Revision) pdf icon[PDF – 1.2 MB]

Plan and Operation of the National Employer Health Insurance pdf icon[PDF – 3.1 MB]

Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Automating Mortality Statistics

Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Perinatal and Infant Mortality

Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics. Volume I pdf icon[PDF – 25 MB]

Public Health Data Standards Consortium pdf icon[PDF – 625 KB]

Publications from the Second Advanced Seminar on the Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology. (CASM II Seminar).

Report to Congress on Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing pdf icon[PDF – 2.8 MB]

Smoking Data Guide: Bibliographies and Data Sources pdf icon[PDF – 1.3 MB]

State Definitions and Reporting Requirements for Live Births, Fetal Deaths, and Induced Terminations of Pregnancy pdf icon[PDF – 539 KB]

Summary Measures of Population Health–Report of Findings on Methodologic and Data Issues pdf icon[PDF – 4.2 MB]

The 25th Anniversary of the National Health Survey pdf icon[PDF – 29 MB]

The Effect of the Sixth Revision of the International Lists of Diseases and Causes of Death Upon Comparability of Mortality Trends. Volume 36, Number 10. Vital Statistics – Special Report pdf icon[PDF – 1.4 MB]

Third Report on Nutrition Monitoring in the United States

U.S. Vital Statistics System Major Activities and Developments, 1950-95 pdf icon[PDF – 724 KB]

Women’s Health and Mortality Chartbook pdf icon[PDF – 14.8 MB]

Page last reviewed: November 6, 2015