National Vital Statistics System

Modernization: Tools and Technologies

connected world map

Together, we are harnessing the power of technology to modernize vital records systems.

This page is designed to help those working to modernize the National Vital Statistics System explore the main technologies involved in our projects.

The tools and technologies behind our modernization efforts serve these basic principles:

  • Information Systems: Moving from paper-based processes to electronic records
  • Data Quality and Interoperability: Adopting common tools and standards for data
  • Prototypes and Testing: Describing new approaches and testing their application
Information Systems
Data Quality and Interoperability Concepts, Definitions, and Tools
Prototypes and Testing
Developers’ Corner: Technical Quick Links

General Implementation Guidance

Tools for Implementing an EDRS

Using FHIR with EDRS

 Connecting EHR to EDRS

SMART on FHIR            

Natural Language Processing

Other projects:

  • GT Health GitHub Pageexternal icon (Note: GT-FHIR is an in-progress project to build a FHIR resource on Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM), omap_etl_public provides tools to map to the OMAP data model)
  • OHDSIexternal icon GitHub Page
Page last reviewed: October 1, 2020