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Searchable information on DOE's Final Occurrence Reports since 2005, available to the public and updated daily.

The Injury and Illness Dashboard is a tool that allows users to easily explore DOE occupational safety and health injury and illness information. Its features include:

Graphical and tabular depictions of injury and illness information Calendar year and fiscal year incidence rates for DOE and DOE contractor total recordable cases (TRC) of injuries and illnesses and cases involving days away from work or on job transfer or restriction (DART) due to injury or illness Incidence rates of injuries and illnesses by DOE program organization and site Information on injury characteristics (e.g., nature of work being performed and injury sustained) by program organization and site a selection of metrics, including TRC and DART cases and rates.

The Nuclear Safety Information (NSI) Dashboard is a tool that enables users to easily identify, organize and analyze nuclear safety-related events reported into the DOE Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS). Its features include:

  • Graphical and tabular depictions of occurrence reporting information by major groups of ORPS reporting criteria for all of DOE or by program organization, site or contractor
  • List of ORPS reports within user-defined parameters
  • Direct links to individual final ORPS reports
  • List of Integrated Safety Management codes, cause codes and keywords assigned to individual ORPS reports and related charts for the set of ORPS reports within user-defined parameters
  • Table that shows selected ORPS reporting criteria, weighted factors and number of occurrences within user-defined parameters