2014 NHPI NHIS Data Release


The 2014 NHPI NHIS Paradata File contains data about the NHIS data collection process. It may be used as a stand-alone data file or linked to the 2014 NHPI NHIS health data files.

Information about the Paradata File may be found in the 2014 NHPI NHIS Survey Description Document.

An ASCII data set containing paradata for the 2014 survey year (PARADATA.ZIP) can be downloaded via the dataset link below.

Dataset documentation for the Paradata File consists of a variable summary, variable layout and variable frequencies. Sample input programs are also provided.

Users are encouraged to check the NHIS website for updates and to subscribe to the NHIS Listserv to receive notices of any corrections/updates.

The Family Disability Questions file contains a set of six core disability questions first developed and used on the American Community Survey (ACS) and subsequently adopted by several federal data collection systems. Originally included on the NHIS as part of a larger effort to develop and test a standard set of disability questions, HHS adopted the question set as a minimum standard for survey questions on disability in 2011.

The Functioning and Disability supplement was fielded as part of the 2014 Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander NHIS Sample Adult Core questionnaire.  Approximately one half of sample adults were randomly selected to receive the Functioning and Disability questions. The supplement comprised one component of a larger testing effort to develop and adopt a standard set of disability questions to be used with multiple surveys.

Page last reviewed: March 15, 2017