National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

What's New Archive



December 2018


Data Release

Withdrawn Data

The 1999-2004 SSANA datasets have been temporarily removed to review and possibly update the weighting variable.


November 2018

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

  • The documentation for the 1999-2016 Demographic Variables & Sample Weights files was updated to include information on weighted mean age for NHANES participants in the top-coded age group.
    No changes were made to any data points in these datasets.
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA – Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array datasets in the 2005-2006 cycles (HPVSWR_D
    and SWR_D_R) were updated to add two variables (LBXH2RL-Hybrid Capture high risk result and
    LBXH3RL-Hybrid Capture low risk result) inadvertently omitted from the original release.
  • Laboratory method files inadvertently omitted from the original release for 2003-2012 human papillomavirus (HPV) vaginal swab and serum datasets were added.
  • The documentation for the pooled-sample environmental exposure laboratory datasets in the 2005-2006 and 2007-2008 cycles has been updated to include a Limit of Detection (LOD) table. No changes were made to any data points in these datasets.


October 2018


Data Release


September 2018


Data Release

Limited Access Data

Data documentation has been added for the Limited Access Data files below. No changes or corrections have been made to the data.

Updated Data

SSCMV_A, SSCMV_B and SSCMV_C are updated to add both CMV IgM and GMV IgG avidity.


July 2018


Data Release


June 2018


Data Release


May 2018

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data


April 2018


Data Release

Updated Data

  • Urine Flow Rate (UCFLOW_F 2009-2010)
  • Urine Flow Rate (UCFLOW_G 2011-2012)
  • Urine Flow Rate (UCFLOW_H 2013-2014)
    UCFLOW_F, UCFLOW_G, and UCFLOW_H were updated to include variables that represent the time in between each urine collection.
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT_H 2013-2014)
    OGTT_H was updated to correct typos in the method file. No changes were made to the dataset or codebook.
  • Plasma Fasting Glucose (GLU_H 2013-2014)
    GLU_H was updated to correct typos in the method file. No changes were made to the dataset or codebook.


March 2018

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data


February 2018


Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

Withdrawn Data

  • Folate – RBC (FOLATE_G 2011-2012)
    2011-2012 Folate – RBC (FOLATE_G) and Folate Forms – Serum (FOLFMS_G) were temporarily withdrawn from the NHANES website for corrections
  • Folate Forms – Serum (FOLFMS_G 2011-2012)
    2011-2012 Folate – RBC (FOLATE_G) and Folate Forms – Serum (FOLFMS_G) were temporarily withdrawn from the NHANES website for corrections.


January 2018


Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data




December 2017

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data


October 2017


Data Release

Updated Data


September 2017

Data Release – 2015-2016

  • Hepatitis C: RNA (HCV-RNA) and Hepatitis C Genotype (HEPC_I 2015-2016)
    Updated September 2017. See note under Updated Data.

Data Release – Other Cycles

Data Release – Limited Access

Updated Data

  • Occupation (OCQ_G 2011-2012)
    Industry and occupation group code variables have been added for study participant’s current and longest held jobs.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine – Special Sample (Subsample) (UVOCS_G 2011-2012)
    The 2011-2012 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and Metabolites in urine (UVOC_G and UVOCS_G) datasets have been updated to include a Special Analytic Note on bias adjustments applied to several VOC in urine metabolite analytes listed in the Analytic Notes section of the documentation files.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine (Surplus) (Subsample) (SSUVOC_D 2005-2006)
    The 2005-2006 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and Metabolites in urine (SSUVOC_G ) (Surplus) dataset was withdrawn from the NHANES website in January 2016. These datasets are now corrected and republished on the NHANES website for immediate use. For details on adjustments applied to the dataset, see the Analytic Notes section of the documentation file.


August 2017


Data Release

Updated Data

  • Dermatology (DEQ_H 2013-2014)
  • Dermatology (DEQ_G 2011-2012)
  • Dermatology (DEQ_F 2009-2010)
  • Dermatology (DEQ_E_R 2007-2008)
    2007-2014 Dermatology questionnaire data (DEQ) were updated to correct coding errors in variables DED120 (time spent outside on work or school days) and DED125 (time spent outside on days not at work or at school). New codes were added to specify participants who reported not spending any time outdoors (DED120 & DED125), not working or going to school (DED120), or at work or at school 9 to 5 seven days a week (DED125). These participants were originally coded as missing in previously released versions.
  • Vitamin B12 (VITB12_H 2013-2014)
    2013-2014 Vitamin B12 has been updated to included participants aged 19 years.


July 2017

Data Release

Updated Data

  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine (Subsample) (UVOC_G 2011-2012)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine – Special Sample (Subsample) (UVOCS_G 2011-2012)
    2011-2012 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and Metabolites in urine (UVOC_G and UVOCS_G) datasets were withdrawn from the NHANES website in May 2017, due to lot-to-lot variations of standard materials. These datasets are now corrected and republished on the NHANES website for immediate use. However, t,t-Muconic acid (URXMUCA) data were completely withdrawn from these datasets, due to an observed issue with the internal standard transition used for quantitation. Please see the Analytic Note in both datasets for more detailed information about the exclusion of this analyte.

Withdrawn Data


June 2017

Data Release

Updated Data


May 2017


Updated Data

  • Toxoplasma gondii Antibody – Serum (Surplus) (SSTOXO_G 2011-2012)
    The variable SSTOXAV, Toxoplasmosis IgG Avidity, is being removed from the 2011-2012 data file because this variable is related to Toxoplasmosis IgM antibody which is not being released at this time due to quality control concerns.

Withdrawn Data


April 2017


Data Release

Withdrawn Data

  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) – Urine – Special Sample (Subsample) (PAHS_H 2013-2014)
    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) – Special Sample (PAHS_H) in the 2013-2014 cycle will be temporarily withdrawn due to missing samples in the dataset. The samples will be analyzed, and the dataset will be corrected and released at a later date.


March 2017


Data Release

Updated Data

  • Physical Activity (PAQ_H 2013-2014)
  • Physical Activity (PAQ_G 2011-2012)
  • Physical Activity (PAQ_E 2007-2008)
    The physical activity data was updated to clarify a few records where yes was originally reported for an activity, but the time given for the activity was zero minutes. The activity was set to no for these records.


February 2017

Data Release

Updated Data

  • Volatile Organic Compounds and Trihalomethanes/MTBE – Blood & Related Questionnaire Items (Subsample) (VOCWB_H 2013-2014)
    The volatile toxicant questionnaire items were removed from the previously released 2013-2014 Volatile Organic Compounds and Trihalomethanes/MTBE – Blood (VOCWB_H) dataset. The questionnaire data are now released in a separate dataset, Volatile Toxicant (VTQ_H), in the Questionnaire Section of the NHANES website. None of the previously released data was changed in either dataset.


January 2017


Data Release




December 2016

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

  • Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry – Whole Body (DXX_D 2005-2006)
    The DXA whole body file was updated to include two overall imputation indicator variables that indicate whether bone (DXITOTBN) or soft tissue data (DXITOTST) were imputed for at least one body subregion.


November 2016

Data Release

Updated Data

  • Physical Functioning (PFQ_H 2013-2014)
    The Physical Functioning (PFQ_H) file has been updated to include participants 3 to 4 years of age and an additional question (PFQ033) on use of special equipment.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine (Subsample) (UVOC_G 2011-2012)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine – Special Sample (Subsample) (UVOCS_G 2011-2012)
    The t,t-Muconic acid (URXMUCA) data were withdrawn from the Urinary Volatile Organic Compounds datasets (UVOC_G and UVOCS_G) in the NHANES 2011-2012 cycle, due to an observed issue with the internal standard transition used for quantitation. It was determined that the internal standard quantitation scheme used was not consistent during the 2011-2012 cycle, and the data could not be recalculated, even after the issue was identified and corrected. A detailed analytical note has been included in the dataset. The documentation file and laboratory procedure manual have been updated to reflect the withdrawal of all URXMUCA data.


October 2016

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

  • Acrylamide & Glycidamide (L06AGE_C 2003-2004)
    The LOD values were corrected and the data was corrected to report out 2 decimal places.
  • Acrylamide & Glycidamide (AMDGYD_D 2005-2006)
    The LOD values were corrected in the document and the method file (SOP) was updated. No changes were made to the data.


September 2016

Data Release

Updated Data

  • Electrolytes – Home Urine Collection (HULT_H_R 2014)
  • Kidney Markers – Home Urine Collection (HUKM_H_R 2014)
    Electrolytes – Home Urine Collection (HULT_H_R) and Kidney Marker – Home Urine Collection (HUKM_H_R) datasets in the 2013-2014 Limited Access Data were updated to include two new variables: URDDBUHM – number of days between the day of the morning home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collection; and URDDBUHE – number of days between the day of the evening home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collection.
  • Herpes I and II (NH2HERPE 1976-1980)
    The Herpes I and II data has been updated to update the variable HSV1. After further review of the original methodology, all the individuals who had previously been coded as indeterminate or missing are now coded as negative.
  • Smoking – Cigarette Use (SMQ_H 2013-2014)
    The documentation and data file Smoking – Cigarette Use (SMQ_H 2013-2014) was updated to include cigarette brand and associated variables.


August 2016


Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

Data documentation and/or method documents have been updated for the files below, as indicated. No changes or corrections have been made to the data.

  • Plasma Fasting Glucose and Insulin (Subsample)(GLU_G 2011-2012)
    The insulin was performed 2005-2009 using the Mercodia ELISA assay and was switched in late 2009 to a Roche chemiluminescent immunoassay performed on the Elecsys 2010 analyzer. A crossover study was performed between the two methods. To trend 1999-2012 serum insulin, a “forward” fractional polynomial regression was added to the analytic note to derive 2011-2012 Roche-equivalent insulin values from the measured Mercodia insulin values from NHANES 2005-2008. See the analytic note on “change in methods for serum insulin.”
  • Plasma Fasting Glucose and Insulin (Subsample) (GLU_F 2009-2010)
    There was a change in late 2009 from the Mercodia to the Elecsys insulin method. For 2009-2010, a new Mercodia ELISA insulin method file was added in addition to the Elecsys 2010 insulin method file. See the lab methods Insulin-Mercodia ELISA and Insulin-Elecsys 2010 Immunoassay.
  • Plasma Fasting Glucose & Insulin (Subsample) (GLU_D 2005-2006)
    The insulin was performed 2003-2004 using the Tosoh immunoenzymometric assay and was switched in 2005-2006 to a Mercodia ELISA assay. A crossover study was performed between the two methods. To trend 2003-2006 serum insulin, a “forward” linear regression was added to the analytic note to derive Mercodia-equivalent insulin values for NHANES 2005-2006 from measured Tosoh insulin values measured in 2003-2004. See the analytic note on “Insulin regression equation to compare 2005-2006 data and 2003-2004 data.”
  • Plasma Fasting Glucose, Serum C-peptide & Insulin (Subsample) (L10AM_C 2003-2004)
    The insulin was performed 1999-2002 using the Pharmacia RIA assay and was switched in 2003-2004 to a Tosoh immunoenzymometric assay. A crossover study was performed between the two methods. To trend 1999-2004 serum insulin, a “backward” linear regression was added to the analytic note to derive Pharmacia-equivalent insulin values for NHANES 1999-2002 from measured Tosoh insulin values measured in 2003-2004. See the analytic note on “Comparison of NHANES 2003-2004 to NHANES 1999-2002 Insulin Values.”


July 2016


Data Release


June 2016

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data


May 2016

Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

  • DEET and Metabolites (Subsample) (DEET_E 2007-2008)
    The document of DEET and Metabolites (DEET_E 2007-2008) was updated to include the method file.


April 2016

Data Release


March 2016


Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

  • Cholesterol – Total (TCHOL_H 2013-2014)
  • HDL-Cholesterol (HDL_H 2013-2014)
    Total Cholesterol and HDL-Cholesterol are being updated to include an additional laboratory method file for each dataset, due to a change in instrumentation during the 2013-2014 cycle. The Roche/Hitachi Modular P Chemistry Analyzer method file is being added to accompany the Cobas 6000 Chemistry Analyzer method file for both datasets. Two method files will now be made available under the “Laboratory Method Files” section for total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride in the Doc File of each dataset.
  • Taste & Smell (CSQ_H 2013-2014)
    The 2013-2014 Taste and Smell questionnaire (CSQ) data file has been updated to include two audiometry variables: a history of repeated ear infections (AUQ136) and a history of ear tube placement (AUQ138).


February 2016


Data Release


January 2016


Data Release

Data Release – Limited Access Data

Updated Data

  • Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry – FRAX Score (DXXFRX_H 2013-2014)
    In the updated DXXFRX_H file the FRAX scores for participants with missing femur neck BMD values were set as missing. This was done because we did not have sufficient information to define secondary osteoporosis, which is one of the risk factors used in FRAX. However, if femur neck BMD is available, then it is not necessary to include secondary osteoporosis in the FRAX model.

Withdrawn Data

  • Volatile Organic Compounds & Metabolites – Urine (Surplus) (Subsample) (SSUVOC_D 2005-2006)
    The urine VOC metabolites dataset from NHANES 2005-2006 has been withdrawn so it can be updated to correct for systematic bias to several analytes. An updated and unbiased dataset will soon be released for urine VOC metabolites from NHANES 2005-2006.




December 2015


Data Release


November 2015


Data Release


October 2015



Data Release – 2013-2014

Data Release – Other Cycles

Data Release – Limited Access

Updated Data

  • Thyroid Profile (THYROD_E 2007-2008)
  • Thyroid Profile (THYROD_F 2009-2010)
    The data is being re-released due to the incorrect unit of LBXTT4. The unit of LBXTT4 should be ug/dL instead of ug/mL.


September 2015




  • Body Measures (BMX_G 2011-2012)
    A derived variable, BMDAVSAD (Average Sagittal Abdominal Diameter) was added into the data file. The SAS algorithm to calculate BMDAVSAD was updated in the documentation.


August 2015




July 2015



Limited Access Documentation


June 2015


  • Ophthalmology – Retinal Imaging (OPXRET_D 2005-2006)
  • Ophthalmology – Retinal Imaging (OPXRET_E 2007-2008)
    Ophthalmology – Retinal Imaging files were updated to include additional data associated with glaucoma. In 2012, retinal images of participants with a cup-to-disc greater than or equal to 0.6 were re-graded with attention to features relevant to glaucoma.


May 2015



Limited Access Documentation


  • Smoking – Cigarette Use (SMQ_G 2011-2012)
  • Smoking – Cigarette Use (SMQ_F 2009-2010)
  • Smoking – Cigarette Use (SMQ_E 2007-2008)
    Questionnaire data files for smoking – cigarette use (years 2007-8, 2009-10, 2011-12) have been updated to correct errors for the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide content values. The variables SMD100TR, SMD100NI and SMD100CO are part of the cigarette brand data in these files. Approximately 17% of the records that previously had numeric values for the three variables, now have missing values.


March 2015



Limited Access Documentation


February 2015




The following components are updated to provide more detailed information on HCV genotype:

The following components are updated by adding additional information to the documentation:


January 2015



Limited Access Documentation


  • Demographic Variables and Sample Weights (DEMO_G 2011-2012)
    The demographics file was updated to include additional variables for household and family sizes, household composition (i.e., the number of children aged 5 years or younger, children aged 6-17 years, and adults aged 60+ in the household), and demographic information about the household reference person.
  • Tuberculosis (TBX_G 2011-2012)
    This file is being re-published so that the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) induration data from 1999-2000 and 2011-2012 are comparable. In 1999-2000, the mean TST results and PPD-B TST results of up to three readers were published for each survey participant. The initial release of the 2011-2012 data contained a single TST result for each survey participant. The updated 2011-2012 release contains the mean TST results of up to three readers for each survey participant. In both the 1999-2000 and updated 2011-2012 datasets, if only one TST result was recorded for a survey participant, the single result is published. PPD-B TST tests were not included in the 2011-2012 study.




December 2014




The following files were updated to include calculations for iodine:


November 2014




October 2014



The following files with corrected subsample weights have been reposted.


September 2014




  • Hepatitis A (HEPA_E 2007-2008)
    Hepatitis A (HEPA_E) has been updated to add data for SPs 20 year and older.

The original pooled-sample weight created for the following laboratory files released in July 2013 did not accurately take into account the new sample design for this NHANES survey cycle and it was not correctly stratified to the U.S. population total. The new released files contain the corrected sample weight (WTSMSMPA).The corrected sample weight was created so that analyses using race and Hispanic origin would be comparable to the three groups used in NHANES 2005-2006 (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American). Therefore, analyses of the data for ”Total Hispanics” is not appropriate. No changes or corrections were made to the lab analyte data in this new release. Any analyses of the data using the old public use data file should be repeated using the corrected sample weight on this new file.

  • Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRPOL_D 2005-2006)
  • Non-dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls and mono-ortho-substituted Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBPOL_D 2005-2006)
  • Organochlorine pesticides and metabolites (PSTPOL_D 2005-2006)
  • Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRPOL_E 2007-2008)
  • Non-dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls and mono-ortho-substituted Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBPOL_E 2007-2008)
  • Organochlorine pesticides and metabolites (PSTPOL_E 2007-2008)


August 2014



  • Occupation Questionnaire (OCQ_F 2009-2010)
    Industry and occupation group code variables have been added for the participant’s current and longest held jobs.

The following laboratory files have been withdrawn from public release because an error was discovered in the creation of sampling weights. New files with corrected weights will be released as soon as feasible.

  • Environmental Phenols (EPH_G 2011-2012)
  • Environmental Pesticides (PP_G 2011-2012)
  • Urinary Perchlorate, Urinary Nitrate, Urinary Thiocyanate (PERNT_G 2011-2012)
  • Urinary Iodine (UIO_G 2011-2012)
  • Urinary Mercury (UHG_G 2011-2012)
  • Urinary Phthalates (PHTHTE_G 2011-2012)
  • Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH_G 2011-2012)
  • Total Arsenic and Speciated Arsenics (UAS_G 2011-2012)
  • Urinary Heavy Metal (UHM_G 2011-2012)
  • Urinary Volatile Organic Compounds and Metabolites (UVOC_G 2011-2012)
  • Polyfluorinated Compounds (PFC_G 2011-2012)
  • Thyroid Profile (THYROD_G 2011-2012)
  • Serum Copper, Selenium, and Zinc (CUSEZN_G 2011-2012)


July 2014



Limited Access Documentation



June 2014


Limited Access Documentation


May 2014




These datasets have been withdrawn due to misspecification of the pooled-sample weights, and will be corrected and reposted.

  • Organochlorine pesticides and metabolites (Pooled) (2007-2008 PSTPOL_E)
  • Brominated Flame Retardants (Pooled Samples) (2007-2008 BFRPOL_E)
  • Non-dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls and mono-ortho-substituted PCBs 2007-2008 (PCBPOL_E)
  • Organochlorine pesticides and metabolites (Pooled) (2005-2006 PSTPOL_D)
  • Brominated Flame Retardants (Pooled Samples) (2005-2006 BFRPOL_D)
  • Non-dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls and mono-ortho-substituted Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Pooled Samples) (2005-2006 PCBPOL_D)
  • Polybrominated-p-dioxins (PBDDs) and dibenzofurans (PBDFs) (Pooled Samples) (2005-2006 BDOXPL_D)
  • Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (cPCBs) (2005-2006 DOXPOL_D)


April 2014




Limited Access


  • Demographics (DEMO_G 2011-2012)
    The Demographics file was updated to expand the target age group of participants from 0-2 years to 0-19 years for the reported age in months at examination (RIDEXAGM) variable.
  • Oral Health – Periodontal (OHXPER_F 2009-2010)
    The Periodontal file was updated with the correct values measured at examination for variables OHX30PCL, OHX30CJL, OHX14LAA, and  OHX29LAA.
  • Unmetabolized Folic Acid (Surplus Sera) (SSFOL_B 2001-2002)
    SSFOL_B has been removed from public release to RDC release, because it is a method study, not prevalence study.


March 2014




  • Tuberculosis (TBX_G 2011-2012)
    Variable name TBQ010 has been changed to TBQ070 to be consistent with 1999-2000 release. The data values stay the same.
  • Total Testosterone (TST_G 2011-2012)
    The unit for variable LBXTST has been changed from nmol/L to ng/dL.


February 2014


Limited Access Documentation



January 2014




  • Demographic Variables and Sample Weights (DEMO_G 2011-2012)
    The Demographics file was updated to include the following household and family income related variables: INDHHIN2 (Annual household income),  INDFMIN2 (Annual family income), and INDFMPIR (Ratio of family income to poverty).




December 2013



Limited Access Documentation



November 2013



Limited Access Documentation



October 2013



Limited Access Documentation


  • Polyfluorinated Compounds (PFC_E 2007-2008)
  • Polyfluorinated Compounds (PFC_F 2009-2010)
    One of the perfluorinated standards (perfluorononanoic acid, PFNA) used for analyzing the NHANES 2007-2008(PFC_E) and 2009-2010 (PFC_F) serum samples is not 100% pure, but 82% pure. Therefore, the values for perfluorononanoic acid (LBXPFNA )  in datasets PFC_E and PFC_D were adjusted.


September 2013



2011-2012 Data Release

Other Cycles

Limited Access Documentation



August 2013





July 2013


Limited Access


June 2013



  • Blood Lead, Cadmium, and Total Mercury (PbCd_D 2005-2006)
  • Blood Cadmium, Lead, and Total Mercury (PbCd_E 2007-2008)
  • Blood Cadmium, Lead, and Total Mercury (PbCd_F 2009-2010)Laboratory mercury files for 2005-2006, 2007-2008, and 2009-2010 have been reorganized.  Total mercury variables have been relocated and some files renamed accordingly.  There are no changes to the values of any data items, and no data has been added or removed from the website.  Specifically:Total mercury variables LBXTHG, LBDTHGSI, and LBDTHGLC have been REMOVED from the formerly-named “Blood Total Mercury and Blood Inorganic Mercury” files, and these files have been renamed  “Blood Inorganic Mercury” to reflect  the removal of total mercury (THG) variables. The file abbreviation has been changed from “THgIHg_[X]” to “IHg_[X]”.Total mercury variables LBXTHG, LBDTHGSI, and LBDTHGLC have been ADDED to the formerly-named “Blood Cadmium and Lead” files, and these files have been renamed “Blood Cadmium, Lead, and Total Mercury” to reflect the addition of total mercury variables.  The file abbreviation “PbCd_[X]” remains the same.


May 2013




April 2013


Limited Access Documenmtation



March 2013



Limited Access Documenmtation



February 2013





January 2013




  • Hepatitis A (HEPA_F 2009-2010)
    The dataset of HEPA_F has been updated by adding SPs from 2 year old.




December 2012




November 2012





October 2012





September 2012






August 2012






July 2012





June 2012



May 2012




  • WITHDRAWN: Hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (SSH1N1_E 2007-2008)
    This dataset has been withdrawn until sample weights and additional analytic guidance can be developed.


April 2012




  • NHANES Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Fitness Data Tutorial
    NHANES has released the first course of the NHANES Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Fitness Data Tutorial. The NHANES physical activity and cardiovascular fitness data consist of study participant information obtained through the physical activity questionnaire (PAQ), the cardiovascular fitness examination (CVX), and the physical activity monitor examination (PAX). These data provide a snapshot of physical activity and cardiovascular fitness for the U.S. population. This tutorial simulates a real life experience of how to conduct an analytical project from beginning to end, with a step-by-step logical flow through typical analytic procedures. Relevant information on physical activity and cardiovascular fitness data, nuances, tips, explanations for SAS or SUDAAN programs, downloadable sample program code, and analytical guidance are organized and integrated into different modules and tasks to facilitate this learning process.
  • NHANES-CMS Linked Data Tutorial
    NHANES has released the first two courses of the NHANES-CMS Linked Data Tutorial. NHANES-CMS linked data is created by linking NHANES survey participants with claims records collected from Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Linkage of the NHANES survey participants with the CMS data provides the opportunity to study changes in health status, health care utilization and expenditures in the elderly, disabled, and other U.S. populations. This tutorial walks you through the steps for conducting an analytic project using the continuous NHANES-CMS linked data, with examples of common analytic applications and procedures.


March 2012



Limited Access Documentation



February 2012



Limited Access Documentation



January 2012



Limited Access Documentation


  • Complete Blood Count with 5-Part Differential in Whole Blood (CBC_F 2009-2010)
    Platelet count and RBC data have been added to CBC_F.
  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA 1999-2000)
  • Urinary Phthalates, Phytoestrogens and PAHs (PHPYPA_B 2001-2002)
  • Urinary Phthalates (L24PH_C 2003-2004)
  • Urinary Phthalates (PHTHTE_D 2005-2006)
  • Urinary Phthalates (PHTHTE_E 2007-2008)
    NCHS recently learned that analytical standards used since 1999 and used for several metabolites were of insufficient purity. After further investigation, it was determined that a correction factor needs to be applied to each value for the 5 metabolites. These metabolites and the specific correction factor for each are as follows:  Mono-ethyl phthalate (URXMEP), 0.66; Mono-benzyl phthalate (URXMZP), 0.72; Mono-n-octyl phthalate (URXMOP), 1.68; Mono-isononyl phthalate (URXMNP), 1.54; and Mono-cyclohexyl phthalate (URXMCP), 2.01. The correction factor should be applied to each analyte for NHANES survey periods 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2005-2006, and 2007-2008 results.
  • Urinary Priority Pesticides (Non-Persistent Pesticide Metabolites) (LAB26PP 1999-2000)
  • Urinary Priority Pesticides (Non-Persistent Pesticide Metabolites), (L26PP_B 2001-2002)
    The pentachlorophenol (URXPCP) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (URXDCB) results for the 2 survey periods (1999-2000 and 2001-2002) were affected by an unacceptable calibration bias and these results are withdrawn. A similar calibration bias resulted in withdrawal of several chemical results for the 2 survey periods and described in documentation notes for the Urinary Priority Pesticides and Organophosphate Pesticides files (Lab26PP, L26PP_B).




December 2011

Limited Access Documentation


November 2011

Limited Access Documentation
  • Glycohemoglobin cross-over study regression equation for 2005-2006 (GHB_D) and 2003-2004 (GHB_C) should not be used for trend analyses. Read the Advisory for Glycohemoglobin (A1c) Data pdf icon[PDF – 26 KB]
  • Glycohemoglobin (GHB_E 2007-2008)
  • Glycohemoglobin (GHB_F 2009-2010)
    Glycohemoglobin results for 2007-2008 (GHB_E) and 2009-2010 (GHB_F) have been withdrawn from release until further evaluation can be completed.


October 2011

Limited Access Data Documentation


September 2011

Limited Access Data Documentation

NHANES 2007-2008 subsample weights have been revised to correct for the misspecification of domains used for calculating the sub-sample weights. The following datasets have been updated with these revised weights:


August 2011



July 2011


The final course of the NHANES Dietary Tutorial is published online. The dietary tutorial is a major supplement to the existing NHANES Web Tutorial and provides information and instructions specific to dietary data and analyses. The first course, Dietary Data Orientation, gives an overview of the dietary data, provides roadmaps to the complex data structure and contents, and orients users to the NHANES website and its resources for dietary data analysis. The second course, Preparing a Dietary Analytic Dataset, provides step-by-step instruction from locating and downloading variables, to merging and appending, formatting, and saving datasets. Basic Dietary Analyses demonstrates how to perform some of the most frequently requested analyses of NHANES dietary data. The latest addition, Advanced Dietary Analyses, describes techniques for estimating usual intake of dietary and supplement intake, how dietary intakes vary among individuals, and how individual intakes relate to other factors.

June 2011



May 2011



April 2011



March 2011

New Limited Access Documentation


January 2011

New Limited Access Documentation




December 2010

  • NHANES 50th Anniversary page
    Ending the year-long celebration of NHANES 50th Anniversary, the 50th Anniversary webpage has been updated. From this page, you will be able to meet the DHANES directors, listen to the NHANES Story, take a virtual tour of the MEC, peruse recent news articles or newsletters, or reflect on the 50 significant contributions NHANES made in its first five decades.


November 2010

New Limited Access Documentation


October 2010

New Limited Access Documentation


September 2010

New Limited Access Documentation


August 2010

New Limited Access Documentation


July 2010

New Limited Access Documentation


June 2010

New Limited Access Documentation

Serum Creatinine, Alkaline Phosphatase, Calcium and Sodium have been added to the initial release of BIOPRO_E.

  • Surplus Sera: Racial/Ethnic Variation in Sex Steroid Hormone Concentrations Across Age In US Men (SSCHL_A 1999-2000)
  • Surplus Sera: Racial/Ethnic Variation in Sex Steroid Hormone Concentrations Across Age In US Men (SSCHL_B 2001-2002)
  • Surplus Sera: Racial/Ethnic Variation in Sex Steroid Hormone Concentrations Across Age In US Men (SSCHL_C 2003-2004)

    These data files have been temporarily removed for further review and will be reposted at a later date.


May 2010



April 2010



March 2010

New Limited Access Data Documentation


February 2010



January 2010

New Limited Access Data Documentation




December 2009



November 2009

Documentation for Datasets Available through the Research Data Center


October 2009

Documentation for Datasets Available through the Research Data Center
  • Lab 6 – Vitamin C (L06VIT_C 2003-2004)
    The Analytical Notes were added to the documentation.


September 2009


First Release of 2007-2008 Data

Documentation for Datasets Available through the Research Data Center



August 2009




July 2009




  • Dietary Supplement Use (DSQ_D 2005-2006)
    The 2005-2006 dietary supplement public use files were updated. An FDA approved prescription medication (Lovaza) was inadvertently included in the Dietary Supplements public use files. Records for survey participants who reported taking Lovaza in the 2005-2006 survey were removed from the Dietary Supplements file and added to the Prescription Medications file.
  • Lab 31 Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (L31PAH_C 2003-2004)
  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA_B 2001-2002)
  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA 1999-2000)
    Comparisons of methods used in NHANES 1999-2000 and 2001-2002 to currently used methods (starting with NHANES 2003-2004) for the measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites (OH-PAHs) were conducted. Because problems were discovered with the methods, some PAHs analytes have been removed.
    From PHPYPA 1999-2000: URXP03, URXP04, URXP05, URXP06, URXP07, URXP08, URXP10, URXP11, URXP12, URXP13, URXP14, URXP15, URXP16.
    From PHPYPA_B 2001-2002: URXP08, URXP11, URXP12, URXP13, URXP14, URXP15, URXP16, URXP17, URXP18, URXP19, URXP20, URXP21, URXP22, URXP24.
    From L31PAH_C 2003-2004: URXP08, URXP11, URXP12, URXP13, URXP14, URXP15, URXP16, URXP20, URXP21, URXP22, URXP24.
  • Lab 06 Methylmalonic Acid (L06_B 2001-2002)
    The method file was revised with the correct graphs.
  • Dietary Supplement Use (DSQ 1999-2000)
    The 1999-2000 Dietary Supplements public use files were updated. Fluoride products (except those in topical gel or cream forms) were inadvertently included in the Prescription Medication public use files. Records for survey participants who reported taking sodium fluoride in the 1999-2000 survey were moved to the Dietary Supplements file.


June 2009


Documentation for Datasets Available through the Research Data Center



May 2009




Read the complete Analytical Note for NHANES 2000-2006 and NHANES III (1988-1994) 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Analysis pdf icon[PDF – 28 KB]


April 2009




March 2009





February 2009


NHANES Dietary Tutorial – Basic Dietary Analyses Available Now

The three courses of the NHANES Dietary Tutorial are published online. The dietary tutorial is a major supplement to the existing NHANES Web Tutorial and provides information and instructions specific to dietary data and analyses. The first course, Dietary Data Orientation, gives an overview of the dietary data, provides roadmaps to the complex data structure and contents, and orients users to the NHANES website and its resources for dietary data analysis. The second course, Preparing a Dietary Analytic Dataset, provides step-by-step instruction from locating and downloading variables, to merging and appending, formatting, and saving datasets. The latest addition, Basic Dietary Analyses, demonstrates how to perform some of the most frequently requested analyses of NHANES dietary data. Additional modules on advanced dietary analyses will be released later in the year.

NHANES Web Tutorial – Preparing an Analytic Dataset Course Now Features Stata

A Stata track for the Preparing an Analytic Dataset course of the Continuous NHANES Web Tutorial is now on-line. Given the increasing number of Stata users, the NHANES tutorial team added a Stata track to the course’s SUDAAN and SAS survey procedures tracks. The Stata track of Preparing an Analytic Dataset course provides instructions on importing SAS .xpt files to Stata, appending and merging data files, cleaning and recoding variables, formatting and labeling variables, and saving a Stata dataset.



January 2009


Now Available: Documentation for Datasets Available in the Research Data Center (RDC)

In an effort to help analysts determine if NHANES datasets contain variables relevant to their analyses before submitting an application to use the RDC, documentation for several limited access datasets is now available through the NHANES website. Currently, documentation for the 1999-2004 Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC), 1999-2004 Los Angeles Demographic, and 1999-2004 Youth Conduct Disorder datasets is available. Documentation for more limited access datasets will be released in upcoming months.

To locate the limited access dataset documentation, go to a survey data page, and click the Limited Access link. Direct links to the pages have also been provided below.


  • Demographic (2005-2006)
    The Demographics public release file includes information that was collected using the Sample Person and Family Demographics question­naires. An educational attainment variable (DMDEDUC3) was added to this updated Demographics file to provide consistency with the NHANES 1999-2004 Demographics files. An earlier version of the educational attainment variable (DMDEDUC1) has been removed from the 2005-2006 file.
  • Demographic (2003-2004)
  • Demographic (2001-2002)
  • Demographic (1999-2000)
    EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Five educational attainment variables are included the Demographics File. Three of the education variables target survey participants. Two other education variables provide information about the educational attainment of the household reference person (DMDHREDU) and the household reference person’s spouse (DMDHSEDU), when applicable. A brief description of the three survey participant educational attainment variables follows.The Demographics File contains two variables that provide additional information on the educational attainment level of survey participants. Educational attainment information for persons 6 through 19 years of age is included in DMDEDUC3. Detailed educational attainment information for adults who are 20 years of age and over is reported in DMDEDUC2.In addition, DMDEDUC is a three-category variable that groups ALL survey participants 6 years of age and over into one of three educational attainment groups: 1) less than high school education attainment, 2) high school graduate (has a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma such as a General Educational Development/GED), or 3) has more than a high school education. DMDEDUC collapses categories from the other two education variables, and is retained in the file for the convenience of DHANES tutorial users.
  • Lab 28 Dioxins (LAB28POC 1999-2000)
    Due to a miss-assignment of the concentration of purchased standard material, the data for beta-hexachlorcyclohexane serum levels in the Lab 28 Dioxins data file (LAB28POC) for the period 1999-2000 should be multiplied by 0.644.
  • Lab 26 Urinary Organophosphate Insecticides: Diakyl Phosphate Metabolites (26OPD_C_2003-2004) has been temporarily withdrawn from release. Some values were incorrectly reported for the variables URXOP1-URXOP6. A corrected dataset and documentation will be posted.




December 2008



NHANES III Anthropometric Procedures Video Now Online

The instructional video of the NHANES III Anthropometric Procedures is now available through the NHANES website. It demonstrates how body measurements are made during the examination. The video is in eight, captioned segments and uses Windows Media Player. View the NHANES III Anthropometric Procedures video.



October 2008



NHANES Dietary Tutorial Available Now

The first two courses of the NHANES Dietary Tutorial are published online. The dietary tutorial is a major supplement to the existing NHANES Web Tutorial and provides information and instructions specific to dietary data and analyses. The first course, Dietary Data Survey Orientation, gives an overview of the dietary data, provides roadmaps to the complex data structure and contents, and orients users to the NHANES website and its resources for dietary data analysis. The second course, Preparing a Dietary Analytic Dataset, provides step-by-step instruction from locating and downloading variables, to merging and appending, formatting, and saving datasets. Courses covering basic and advanced data analyses are currently under development.

NHANES Web Tutorial – NHANES Analyses Course Now Features Stata

A Stata track for the NHANES Analyses course of the NHANES Web Tutorial is now on-line. Given the increasing number of Stata users, the NHANES tutorial team added a Stata track to the course’s SUDAAN and SAS survey procedures tracks. The NHANES Analyses course provides instructions on how to conduct the most frequently used statistical functions. Additional instructions on how to prepare an analytic dataset using Stata software will be forthcoming.


  • Demographic (2003-2004)
  • Demographic (2001-2002)
  • Demographic (1999-2000)
    The NHANES Demographic Variables and Sample Weights files have been updated for the 1999-2000, 2001-2002, and 2003-2004 cycles. New variables include citizenship status, school attendance, household size, more detailed education variables, and variables about the household reference person. Additionally, age and place of birth variables have been corrected in a few cases. No age has been changed by more than 2 months.


September 2008




  • Drug Information (RXQ_DRUG 2003-2004)
    The NHANES Drug Information file has been updated to include data for prescription medications through 2005-2006. This file may be used with the NHANES 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 prescription medication files.


August 2008




July 2008




June 2008




May 2008





April 2008





March 2008




February 2008



January 2008







December 2007


  • High Serum Total Cholesterol—An Indicator for Monitoring Cholesterol Lowering Efforts: U.S. Adults, 2005–2006.



November 2007





October 2007



  • Early Childhood Questionnaire (ECQ_B 2001-2002)
  • Early Childhood Questionnaire (ECQ_C 2003-2004)
    For the Early Childhood Questionnaires for 2001-2004, errors in the reported values for ECD010 (Age of mother at time of birth) and ECD070A and ECD070B (weight at birth) have been corrected.
  • Lab40 Biochemistry Profile (L40_C 2003-2004)
    The documentation of Lab 40 Biochemistry Profile was updated to correct the Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) method description.
  • NHANES II Hepatitis A and B (NH2HEPAT 1976-1980)
  • NHANES Herpes I and II (NH2HERPE 1976-1980)
    The NHANES II (1976-1980) hepatitis and herpes data were re-released (see “Hepatitis A and B” and “Herpes I and II” on NHANES II page) to replace the previous release entitled “Herpes and Hepatitis”. In previous release, the herpes data and the hepatitis data were combined into the same file, and the herpes data did not have the correct version. The new release has the correct data version, newly compiled documentation files, and the latest release format.
  • NHANES III Tutorial now available
  • To meet the growing demands of NHANES data users, a second web-based tutorial was developed to promote and facilitate broader and more proficient use of NHANES III data. The tutorial is intended to serve as:
  • A step-by-step course on NHANES III data retrieval and analysis for new users.
  • A self-learning tool for novice and infrequent users to supplement their knowledge of the NHANES III datasets.
  • The NHANES III tutorial, which consists of courses orienting the user to the survey, preparing an analytic dataset, and survey design factors, is now available on the NHANES website. This tutorial supplements the Continuous NHANES tutorial. While Continuing professional education credit is available for the Continuous NHANES Web Tutorial, it is not available for the NHANES III Web Tutorial.
  • The access to NHANES Tutorials is available via the second bulleted link ‘NHANES Tutorials’, located under the ‘What’s New’ item or through the icon on the right side of the NHANES home page.


September 2007




August 2007




July 2007




June 2007




May 2007



  • Lab 06 Nutritional Biochemistries (L06 B 2001-2002)
    The homocysteine data, which were removed in March 2007, have been re-released with modifications to the data and document.
  • Lab 06 Vitamin C (L06VIT_C 2003-2004)
    The decimal point for variable LBDVICSI (Vitamin C (umol/L)) was changed from a whole number to a number with one decimal point so that the lower-than-the-detection-limit values would be identified correctly.
  • Lab 24 Polyfluorinated Compounds (L24PFC_C_2003-2004)
    Has been temporarily withdrawn from release. PFOS concentrations were based on an incorrect mass spectrometric transition. A corrected dataset and documentation will be posted.


April 2007


  • Lab 02 Hepatitis files for 1999–2000, 2001–2002, and 2003–2004  were updated. Data for hepatitis B and D were added.
  • Lab 06 Nutritional Biochemistries file for 1999–2000 was updated.  The documentation files were updated to add an analytical note for homocysteine.


March 2007




February 2007



  • Varlab 1999-2000
    Tuberculosis (TB) variables were removed from this lab data variable list. TB data are located on the examination data web page and TB variables included in the examination data variable list.


January 2007






November 2006



  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA B 2001-2002)
    This document was revised to remove incorrect statements regarding polyaromatic hydrocarbon analytes and variable detection limits. In fact, for all polyaromatic hydrocarbon analytes in this data set, the detection limit was constant.


October 2006




September 2006




Special Release

  • NHANES Web-based Tutorial
  • To meet the growing demands of NHANES data users, a web-based tutorial was developed to promote and facilitate broader and more proficient use of NHANES data. The tutorial is intended to serve as:
  • A step-by-step course on NHANES data retrieval and analysis for new users.
  • A self-learning tool for novice and infrequent users to supplement their knowledge of the NHANES database and the analysis techniques required to properly analyze this complex dataset.
  • A reference for experienced researchers highlighting NHANES analytic nuances and sample program code.
  • The first phase of the tutorial is now accessible via the NHANES home page. Some modules/sections are still incomplete, but will be posted on the NHANES website as soon as they are complete. The targeted completion date for the entire tutorial is January 2007.


July 2006



  • Lab 06 Homocysteine (L06MH C 2003-2004)
    This document was updated to remove an incorrect sentence referencing the derivatization of Methylmalonic acid from traditional units to international units (SI). The data is reported in SI units.


June 2006




May 2006




April 2006




March 2006




February 2006




January 2006






December 2005



November 2005




October 2005



August 2005



July 2005



  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA_B 2001-2002)
  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA 1999-2000)
  • Lab 06HM Heavy Metals (Lab06hm_B 2001-2002)
  • Lab 06HM Heavy Metals (Lab06hm 1999-2000)
  • Lab 18T4 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Thyroxine (Lab18t4 1999-2000)
  • Lab 21 Volatile Organic Compounds (Lab 21 1999-2000)
  • Lab 26 Pesticides (Lab 26pp_B 2001-2002)
  • Lab 26 Pesticides (Lab 26pp 1999-2000)
  • Lab 28 Dioxins (Lab 28poc_B 2001-2002)
  • Lab 28 Dioxins (Lab 28poc 1999-2000)
  • Lab 40T4 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Thyroxine (Lab 40t4_B 2001-2002)


June 2005



  • Audiometry (AUX 1999-2000)
  • Audiometry (AUX_B 2001-2002)
  • Balance (BAX 1999-2000)
  • Body Measures (BMX_B 2001-2002)
  • Lab13AM Triglycerides (Lab13AM 1999-2000)
  • Lab13AM_B Triglycerides (Lab13AM_B 2001-2002)
  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA 1999-2000)
  • PHPYPA Urinary Phthalates (PHPYPA_B 2001-2002)

Special Release

Page last reviewed: January 27, 2017