Diaper-Changing Steps for Childcare Settings

picking up a clean diaper and supplies

  • Cover the diaper changing surface with disposable liner.
  • If you will use diaper cream, dispense it onto a tissue now.
  • Bring your supplies (e.g., clean diaper, wipes, diaper cream, gloves, plastic or waterproof bag for soiled clothing, extra clothes) to the diapering area.

cleaning the child

  • Place the child on diapering surface and unfasten diaper.
  • Clean the child’s diaper area with disposable wipes. Always wipe front to back!
  • Keep soiled diaper/clothing away from any surfaces that cannot be easily cleaned. Securely bag soiled clothing.

disposing of the dirty diaper in the trash can

  • Place used wipes in the soiled diaper.
  • Discard the soiled diaper and wipes in the trash can.
  • Remove and discard gloves, if used.

replacing the diaper

  • Slide a fresh diaper under the child.
  • Apply diaper cream, if needed, with a tissue or a freshly gloved finger.
  • Fasten the diaper and dress the child.

washing the child's hands

Wash child’s hands with soap and water and place him or her in a safe, supervised area.

cleaner and paper towels

  • Remove liner from the changing surface and discard in the trash can.
  • Wipe up any visible soil with damp paper towels or a baby wipe.
  • Wet the entire surface with disinfectant; make sure you read and follow the directions on the disinfecting spray, fluid or wipe. Choose disinfectant appropriate for the surface material.

washing your hands

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

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Page last reviewed: July 26, 2016