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Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) hold the potential to power tens of millions of American homes and businesses. GTO actively supports R&D initiatives that guide enhanced geothermal toward a commercially viable platform by 2030, including technology validation, cost reduction, and improved performance.


The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) actively pursues EGS R&D and demonstration projects to facilitate technology validation and deployment, reduce cost, and improve performance. While achieving cost-competitive electricity generation from EGS is a long-term goal, in the near-term, R&D and demonstration projects will move industry along the learning curve toward technological readiness.

The economic viability of EGS depends on developing and improving enabling technologies. While these technologies are vital to the success of EGS, they also apply across the geothermal continuum. Learn more about EGS demonstration projects or visit our projects database for other projects that are relevant to geothermal and EGS development.

Highlights & News

To advance EGS R&D and deployment the program focuses on multiple research tool, techniques and methodologies that include high temperature logging tools and sensors, zonal isolation, smart tracers, coupled models to predict reservoir development and performance, advanced drilling systems, well stimulation technologies, advanced fracture characterization technologies, and induced seismic monitoring, prediction and mitigation tools. The following are awards that have successfully achieved results in the program focus areas.

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