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The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) offers resources to help federal agencies implement utility energy service contracts (UESCs).

Essential Education

These resources offer helpful information about structuring sound UESC projects with sustained savings.

  • Utility Energy Service Contracts Guide: Key resource for acquisition teams developing UESCs includes a compilation of samples and templates to help contracting officers implement task orders under existing U.S. General Services Administration areawide contracts.
  • Performance Assurance Planning: Includes protocol and templates for emphasizing sustained performance to ensure projected savings are realized in a UESC.
  • UESC Project Development Report Template: Provides resources to discuss project priorities and objectives, establish deliverables and expectations, and negotiate and document agreed-upon scope and pricing for each deliverable.
  • UESCs: Enabling Documents: Presents legislative, executive, and agency mandates and legal opinions regarding UESCs and energy improvements in federal facilities.
  • UESC Lessons Learned: Describes recommended best practices generated by a growing group of innovative energy managers across multiple successful projects.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Offers answers to frequently asked questions about federal UESCs.

Phase 1: Acquisition Planning

Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 1 of the UESC process.

Phase 2: Utility Selection and Preliminary Assessment

Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 2 of the UESC process.

Utility Selection

Preliminary Assessment (PA)

Phase 3: Project Development

Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 3 of the UESC process.

Investment Grade Audit (IGA)

Task Order Development and Award

Performance Assurance Planning

Establishing Escalation Rates for Financed Projects

Proposal Review: Task Order Financial Schedules

Phase 4: Project Implementation and Construction

Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 4 of the UESC process.

Phase 5: Post-Acceptance Performance

Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 5 of the UESC process.