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With more than 350,000 energy- utilizing buildings and 600,000  vehicles, the federal government is  the nation’s largest energy consumer. Energy used in buildings and facilities represents about 36% of the total site-delivered energy use of the federal government, with vehicle and equipment energy use accounting for 60%.

What We Do

Mandated by law, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) focuses on key services that help agencies meet energy- and water-reduction requirements and goals.

ActionMandated BySupporting Federal Priority
Issue Legislative and Executive Guidance42 U.S.C. 8252, 8253, and 8257American Prosperity and American Energy Dominance
Facilitate Technology Integration42 U.S.C. § 8259bModernizing and Managing Infrastructure
Leverage Funding Sources42 U.S.C. § 8287 et seq.Modernizing and Managing Infrastructure
Provide Technical Assistance42 U.S.C. § 8257American Prosperity and American Energy Dominance
Track Agency Accountability42 U.S.C. § 1714342 U.S.C. 8253-8258, and 42 U.S.C. 15852Increasing Government Accountability
Develop Accredited Training42 U.S.C. 8252 and 8253Developing a Future-Focused Workforce

Mission and Stakeholders

FEMP works with its stakeholders to enable federal agencies to meet energy-related goals, identify affordable solutions, facilitate public-private partnerships, and provide energy leadership to the country by identifying government best practices.

Graphic displaying the breakdown of FEMP stakeholders.
FEMP's works with a variety of stakeholders to ensure energy and water savings in the federal government.

Federal Government Progress

FEMP guides federal agencies to leverage FEMP resources and assistance to spur public-private partnerships and success- fully implement replicable, well-designed projects.

These efforts have resulted in the federal government achieving a 49% reduction in energy intensity since 1975.

Graphic displaying the progress FEMP makes toward energy reduction.
Since 1975, FEMP has helped agencies reduce the energy intensity of their facilities by 49%.

Energy consumed in federal government facilities has been generally declining over the past four decades. This reduction stems from the total square footage occupied by the federal government, which has continued to fall since its peak in fiscal year (FY) 1987, and from the energy consumed per square foot inside federal buildings, which has been declining since FY 1975.

View graphs that illustrate federal government progress.

Focus Areas

Federal agencies have a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to lead by example in cutting energy waste and advancing America’s progress toward energy independence, resiliency, and security.

FEMP strives to build agencies’ ability and agility to manage to their critical missions by becoming efficient, resilient, and secure. It supplies agencies with the information, tools, and assistance they need to meet and track their energy-related requirements and goals through the following five focus areas.

FEMP wheelhouse graphic highlighting Strategic Programming and Integration Planning.

FEMP provides agencies with information and resources to help them develop strategic programs and plans to successfully reduce federal energy and water use. It also assembles, analyzes, and shares information about federal laws and requirements.

FEMP wheelhouse graphic highlighting Facility and Fleet Optimization.

FEMP coordinates processes to integrate mission assurance with optimized and cost-effective facility and fleet operations. Specialty areas include:

FEMP wheelhouse graphic with the Energy and Water Resilience and Security wedge highlighted.

FEMP guides portfolio resilience planning for the strategic integration of advanced, secure technologies and tackles energy management challenges from cybersecurity threats.

FEMP wheelhouse graphic with Energy and Project Procurement Development Services.

FEMP leverages private-sector financing with no up-front capital costs and supports federal projects with technical and procurement expertise. Specialty areas include:

FEMP wheelhouse with the Federal Leadership and Engagement wedge highlighted.

FEMP helps agencies account for energy and water reductions, engages them in interagency working groups and workforce development opportunities, and recognizes their efforts. Specialty areas include:

Key Resources

Fact sheet describes the Federal Energy Management Program, its mission and stakeholders, main focus areas, and resources for federal agencies.
Provides contact information for FEMP staff, leadership, media inquiries, and general information.
Fact sheet series outlines the benefits and impacts resulting from improvements to federal agency energy and water infrastructure in 46 states.
Application allows federal agencies to request assistance from the Federal Energy Management Program.
Fact sheet highlights workforce development offerings and provides guidance on how to access training through the FEMP Training Catalog.
FEMP Solution Center Tool Box places key tools and resources at your fingertips to help you meet energy management goals and requirements.