
CDC Experience Fellow - Kerry Schnell

“The most significant lesson I learned as a CDC Experience Fellow is that public health problems are solved incrementally, through thorough data collection, precise analyses, and targeted interventions.” – Kerry Schnell, CDC Experience Fellow in the Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch (2012-2013), featured on the CDC Foundation blogExternal

The Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch (WDPB) has a long-standing interest in assuring that we train the next generation of waterborne disease prevention experts. To ensure that this pool of experts is available for the future, we train individuals from the following programs and fellowships:

Career Training Fellowships

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Student Internships and Fellowships

Additional University Training

WDPB staff serve as instructors and adjunct professors to teach pertinent WDPB mission-related classes, particularly at the graduate level. We work with work study programs from Emory University, Georgia State University, and the Georgia Institute of Technology to give CDC experiences to students. We also serve as thesis advisors on MPH and PhD thesis projects of importance to the WDPB mission.

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