Enteric Zoonoses Activity

Activity Lead: Megin Nichols, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Group of pets together

The Enteric Zoonoses Activity (EZA) investigates multistate outbreaks of Salmonella and E. coli infections, as well as other pathogens, transmitted by direct and indirect animal contact.

EZA collaborates with a diverse group of investigators, including state and local health and agriculture officials, microbiologists, regulators, and industry. This work has led to major enhancements in animal production and the pet industry, as well as policy changes to improve animal and human health.

The Enteric Zoonoses Activity:

  • Conducts multistate enteric zoonotic outbreak investigations.
  • Provides scientific direction on activities related to enteric zoonoses.
  • Develops recommendations and educational materials on the prevention of enteric zoonotic infections.
  • Collaborates with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary MedicineExternal and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceExternal during multistate zoonotic outbreaks and enteric zoonotic activities.
  • Develops multidisciplinary collaboration across CDC and consults with public and animal health organizations.
  • Enhances collaboration and communication with regulatory & industry partners regarding enteric zoonoses infection prevention.