Global Acute Diarrheal Diseases Program

Every year, 550 million people get sick and 230,000 die from diarrheal diseases. Through the Global Acute Diarrheal Diseases (GADD) program, the Global Health Unit’s partners have increased the number of responders and strengthened outbreak detection and surveillance systems.

Global Acute Diarrheal Diseases (GADD) Logo

Our work with two countries, India and Georgia, illustrates successful partnerships in fighting deadly diarrheal diseases.

  • GHU and India, a GADD program participant since 2010:
    • Organized two strategic planning meetings and five training courses on outbreak response and microbiological principles
    • Coordinated two ongoing, pilot projects in the states of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat with possible expansion to additional sites in 2016
  • GHU and Georgia, a GADD program participant since 2011:
    • Coordinated three temporary assignments to Georgia, to develop epidemiology and laboratory enteric diseases capacity
      • Each visit included support from several CDC partners and built on the activities from previous trips: consulting, hands-on-epidemiology and laboratory training at the district and national level, and physician outreach

The GADD Program’s three-step approach strengthens countries’ abilities to reduce diarrheal diseases globally:

  1. Consultation: Consult with partner countries and develop training plan for epidemiology and laboratory fellows and select ministry of health staff.
  2. Capacity Building: Work with foreign ministries and U.S. state health departments to build a sustainable platform for outbreak investigations at local, district, and national levels of the health system in partner countries.
  3. Applied Training and Implementation: Provide technical assistance for enhanced surveillance and investigation of enteric disease outbreaks through mentorship and intervention evaluations.

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