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To start a UESC project, contact the FEMP utility team or a federal project executive.

The Federal Energy Management Program's (FEMP) utility team of technical experts support agencies with their utility energy service contract (UESC) projects.

In general, the utility team provides support for the training phase through the utility selection phase (including light technical support for acquisition planning and project development) but can remain involved in the project after that phase upon request by the agency.

The page describes the project support FEMP offers for UESC projects, including project facilitators, training, and technical assistance.

Project Facilitators

The utility team can provide this support at no cost, contingent upon FEMP funding resources and staff availability. However, as a best practice, FEMP strongly recommends the engagement of a project facilitator (PF). See the list of PFs.

PFs are experienced, unbiased advisors who guide the agency acquisition team through the project development and implementation process by providing technical and financial advice. The PF’s role generally begins after utility selection and before the preliminary assessment kickoff meeting to help ensure a seamless transition of primary support from the FEMP utility team to the PF.

There are several ways to retain a PF.

  1. Hire a project facilitator under the FEMP project facilitator contract.
  2. Hire an external project facilitator through your agency’s procurement process.
  3. Hire a project facilitator under the General Services Administration Schedule.
  4. Identify qualified staff within your organization to serve as a PF.

Learn More

For more information about no-cost FEMP utility team UESC support services, as well as a list of services generally not offered on a no-cost basis, read the scope of support document.


FEMP offers an ongoing series of workshops and webinars to provide training on the implementation of UESC projects.

  • Comprehensive UESC workshops: Two-day workshops available multiple times throughout the year and open to federal agencies, utilities, and energy service companies.
  • Live webinars: Quarterly webinars offer a detailed look at various aspects of the UESC program.
  • On-demand courses: Self-guided training resources for those who are new to UESCs or simply need to refresh their knowledge.
  • Agency-specific training: Virtual and on-site trainings are available upon request to facilitate in-depth discussion about UESCs and address specific agency objectives, policies, and projects. Contact the utility team for more information.
  • Utility training: Available upon request to provide guidance for utilities interested in offering a UESC program or already implementing projects for federal customers.

Visit the FEMP Training Catalog for the full list of UESC trainings.

Contact the utility team for more information on agency-specific or utility trainings.

Technical Assistance

FEMP utility team’s technical experts support agencies with their UESC projects. The utility team can provide the following activities and services at no cost to the agency, contingent upon FEMP funding resources and staff availability:

Acquisition Planning Assistance
  • Facilitate discussion and review agency-developed documents, including:
    • Initial project scope
    • Letter of Interest
    • Utility selection guidance and utility-Energy Service Company (ESCO) strategies
    • Justification and Approval
  • Provide resources to assist with acquisition planning
  • Share best practices and examples of successful acquisition planning strategies
  • Participate via conference call in kick-off meetings and discussions
  • Provide guidance related to the following:
    • Authorizing legislation and federal mandates
    • Project requirements, priorities, and objectives
    • Contracting vehicles
    • Funding strategies and financing options
    • Utility selection
    • Cybersecurity and resilience planning.
Project Development Assistance
  • Provide resources to assist in development of project documents, including sample task orders, master agreements, and performance planning
  • Provide UESC best practices, high-level reviews, and comments related to the following:
    • Preliminary Assessment (PA)
    • Investment Grade Audit (IGA)
    • Subcontract bids
    • Financing bids
    • Performance planning
    • Task order development
  • Participate in critical project discussions between the agency and utility.