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The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides information about energy-efficient products and energy-saving technologies that can help agencies meet federal energy-efficient product purchasing requirements.

Five legal authorities require agencies to procure energy-efficient products. By procuring and properly installing energy- and water-efficient products, agencies can meet their federal efficiency program requirements, reduce energy and water consumption, and save money.


Energy-Efficient Product Search
Sortable, searchable table displays energy-efficient products that are well suited for federal applications.
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Low Standby Power
Acquisition guidance to help agencies identify low standby power products that meet federal purchasing requirements.
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Product Efficiency Programs
Offers details about four federal programs that specify products as energy- or water-efficient.
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Case Studies
Browse case studies of successful federal projects.
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Energy- and Cost-Saving Calculators
Calculators estimate savings for heating and cooling equipment, lighting, food service appliances, and water fixtures.
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Contract Language
Describes guidance on required procurement contract language for federal agency purchases of energy-consuming products.
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Solid-State Lighting
Describes indoor and outdoor solid-state lighting solutions that can reduce lighting energy use.
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Federal Buyers and Specifiers

Manufacturers and Vendors

Key Resources

Features a regularly-updated database of manufacturer-supplied standby power data for desktop, thin client, and workstation computers.
Website provides a list of EV chargers and compares features, savings, and more to optimize your purchase.
Presentation from the 2019 Federal Environmental Symposium provides training on writing effective contracts for acquiring energy-efficient products.
Presentation from the 2019 Federal Environmental Symposium describes findings from a federal solicitations review and procurement survey.
Presentation from the 2019 Federal Environmental Symposium describes the ISO 14001/50001 link and DOE’s 50001 Ready Navigator.
Article provides an overview of FEMP’s lighting efficiency program and documents FEMP’s methodology for developing energy efficiency requirements.
Presentation describes federal procurement of energy-efficient products and FEMP’s federal procurement community survey effort.
Fact sheet provides an overview of energy-efficient product purchasing requirements for federal employees and contractors.
Fact sheet shows vendors how to increase sales potential by helping federal purchasers meet energy-efficient product purchasing requirements.
Tables provide minimum efficiency and performance requirements for HVAC and water heating products.
Document provides sample contract language for including energy-efficient products in federal construction projects.
Document matches UNSPSCs and ENACs to FEMP-designated and ENERGY STAR-qualified product categories, to aid acquisition tracking and reporting.
Fact sheet describes the Technology Performance Exchange (TPEx) website and its product-specific energy performance data.

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