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Re-tuning Benefits

Re-tuning helps enable:

- Cost-effective facility energy savings (up to 25%)

- Significant cost savings

- Improved building occupant comfort

- An in-house O&M capability that benefits organizations for years.

Re-tuning is a systematic process aimed at minimizing building energy consumption by identifying and correcting operational problems that plague buildings at no-cost or low-cost. Re-tuning relies on building automation system data to identify and implement control improvements at no cost other than the time to program the changes.

These low-cost or no-cost operational improvements ultimately improve the buildings’ energy efficiency, reduce operating costs, and improve occupant comfort.

An active energy management program utilizes many practices to reduce energy use. Re-tuning is one practice that has been verified to produce energy savings ranging from 5% to 25% in federal sites. Re-tuning is an effective, low-cost and relatively easy method for reducing building energy use primarily accomplished through the building automation system controls.

The primary steps of re-tuning include:

  1. Basic building information collection
  2. Trend-data collection and analysis
  3. Building walk down
  4. Identify and implement re-tuning actions
  5. Report findings and recommended actions and implementations
  6. Analyze savings
  7. Continued use of re-tuning in operation and maintenance.

Re-tuning Challenge

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) launched the Re-tuning Challenge in April 2019 to provide selected agencies with a no-cost opportunity to receive re-tuning training and support for a building in their portfolio. Four sites were selected for re-tuning in 2019 and six additional sites have been identified for 2020.

The objective of the Re-tuning Challenge is to:

  • Demonstrate how the retuning process is completed or accomplished
  • Help sites build the capability to perform re-tuning on their own
  • Encourage trained individuals to help train others in their organization.

FEMP support to the selected federal sites will include:

  • Completed re-tuning of one building
  • Re-tuning training for site staff
  • Technical support for site staff to re-tune an additional building
  • Results monitoring and presentation
  • Support in adoption of 50001 Ready for interested agencies.

The impact of this support will be shared with the federal community through reporting on this web page and updates to interagency working groups.

In addition to staff at these sites, a limited number of training opportunities are available to other interested individuals who serve in federal building, operations and maintenance (O&M), and energy manager roles.

Contact us to learn more about the Re-tuning Challenge.

Re-tuning Challenge Training

The following tables list trainings held at Re-tuning Challenge sites in 2019 and sites planned for 2020. Re-tuning Challenge training is also open to other sites that meet basic criteria.


Site Name and LocationDates ScheduledTraining Open to Other Agencies?
Fort Knox, KentuckySeptember 10-12Yes
Arraj U.S. Courthouse
Denver, Colorado
October 15-17Yes
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Salt Lake City, Utah
October 29-31Yes
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California
November 18-20Yes


Site Name and LocationDates ScheduledTraining Open to Other Agencies?
Alaska Native Medical Center
Anchorage, Arkansas
FBI Laboratory
Quantico, Virginia
Forest Products Laboratory
Madison, Wisconsin
G.V. Montgomery VA Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi
Ralph H. Johnson Medical Center
Charleston, South Carolina
Red River Army Depot
Texarkana, Texas

Re-tuning Challenge Webinar

Video: FEMP hosted a webinar for federal site personnel on Thursday, April 4, 2019, that provided an overview of the Re-tuning Challenge and the re-tuning process. Download the webinar presentation and transcript.

Key Resources

Document includes an overview of FEMP's Re-tuning Challenge and a screening questionnaire to gauge candidates' suitability for participation.
Document answers frequently asked questions about the Federal Energy Management Program's (FEMP) Re-tuning Challenge.

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