Chief FOIA Officers Council

The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 established the Chief FOIA Officers (CFO) Council, which is tasked with:

  • Developing recommendations for increasing FOIA compliance and efficiency;
  • Disseminating information about agency experiences, ideas, best practices, and innovative approaches related to FOIA;
  • Identifying, developing, and coordinating initiatives to increase transparency and FOIA compliance; and
  • Promoting the development and use of common performance measures for agency compliance with the FOIA.

The CFO Council is co-chaired by the Directors of OIP and the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) and is composed of all agency CFOs and the Deputy Director for Management from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

The materials associated with the Council’s work, including minutes of the meetings, will be made publicly available on this page. Council meetings are open to the public. Notice of all meetings will be provided in the Federal Register at least ten business days in advance, and details will also be posted on OIP’s website.  

CFO Council Inagural Meeting

Technology Committee

Co-Chairs: Eric Stein, U.S. Department of State and Michael Sarich, Veterans Health Administration 

In September 2018, the CFO Council established a technology subcommittee to study the utilization and deployment of technology in FOIA programs across agencies, and identify best practices and recommendations that can be implemented across agencies.  Two senior FOIA professionals at the Department of State and the Veterans Health Administration co-chair the Committee; membership includes FOIA professionals from the Departments of Homeland Security and the Interior, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Institutes of Health, Institute of Library and Museum Services, American Battle Monuments Commission, Social Security Administration, Air Force Declassification Office, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The Committee liaises with the Council's co-chairs, the Directors of OIP and OGIS.

Report of the Technology Committee of the CFO Council - Best Practices and Recommendations (February 14, 2020)

Presentation Slides – Artificial Intelligence 101 (November 5, 2020)

October 14, 2020 MEETING

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice, September 28, 2020)

Meeting Materials


Livestream via YouTube 

Presentation Slides - Update from the Office of Information Policy (OIP)

Presentation Slides - Update from the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS)

Presentation Slides - Update from the Chief FOIA Officers Council, Technology Committee

August 5, 2019 Meeting

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice, July 9, 2019)

Meeting Materials


Livestream via YouTube 

Presentation Slides - Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018

Presentation Slides - 2020 Chief FOIA Officer Report Guidelines

Presentation Slides - Report by CFO Council Technology Subcommittee

October 4, 2018 Meeting

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice, September 25, 2018)

Meeting Materials


Livestream via YouTube 

Presentation Slides 1

Presentation Slides 2

July 19, 2018 Meeting

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice, June 16, 2017)

Meeting Materials


Livestream Recording

Presentation Slides 1

Presentation Slides 2


July 27, 2017 Meeting

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice, June 15, 2017)

Meeting Materials


Livestream Recording

Presentation Slides

Panelist Slides


September 15, 2016 Meeting

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice; August 29, 2016) 
Meeting Recap - CFO Council Receives Feedback on "Release to All" Policy at Second Meeting (October 4, 2016)

Meeting Materials


 Presentation Slides

 Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Presentation Slides


Working Documents

 Agency Responses to "Release to All" Implementation Questionnaire (CSV)

July 23, 2016 Meeting (Inaugural Meeting)

Meeting Announcement (Federal Register Notice; July 5, 2016)
Meeting Recap - CFO Council Holds First Meeting at the White House (July 27, 2016)

Meeting Materials


Presentation Slides

Livestream Recording


Working Documents

Proactive Disclosure Pilot Assessment

Memorandum to agency Chief FOIA Officers on Implementation of the "Release to One, Release to All" Presumption

"Release to All" Implementation Questionnaire for agency Chief FOIA Officers

Updated November 9, 2020

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