Laboratory Capacity

Diagnostics and Chemical Markers of Exposure

The Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch develops and performs unique laboratory tests to measure organic environmental chemicals in people. Examples of available laboratory tests are shown in the table above. It lists the most common names for these chemicals, and their Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Numbers. Many of the chemicals, however, go by alternative names. Please visit the National Library of Medicine ChemID database websiteExternal and enter the chemical’s CAS Number. The page displayed after this search will include the chemical’s structure, and alternative names.

Laboratory Methods Panels

CDC’s laboratory methods are intended to evaluate population exposures and to support states in situations considered a public health concern. Please see the “Methods’ Access” tab in the tables found after clicking on each of the listed chemicals for additional information regarding these methods. Currently, CDC’s Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch does not have the capability of generating pilot or preliminary results in support of proposals to obtain public or private funds for a larger project.

Page last reviewed: March 6, 2019